
Microsoft Microsoft Azure certification AZ-204

Product Description

Exam Code:AZ-204

Exam Name:Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure

Q&A:433 Q&As

Updated: 03-13-2025


Boost your Azure skills and pass the Exam AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure with ExamGood's reliable study resources.

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ExamGood AZ-204 Exam Features

Exam AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure

As a candidate for this exam, you’re responsible for participating in all phases of development, including requirements gathering, design, development, deployment, security, maintenance, performance tuning, and monitoring.
You should be proficient in Azure:
Data storage options
Data connections
App authentication and authorization
Compute and container deployment
To implement solutions, you partner with:
Cloud solution architects
Infrastructure admins
Other stakeholders
As a candidate, you should have at least two years of professional development experience and experience with Azure. You should be:
Able to program in an Azure-supported language.
Proficient using Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell, and other tools.
You may be eligible for ACE college credit if you pass this certification exam. 

Schedule exam

Languages: English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), Korean, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Chinese (Traditional), Italian, Indonesian (Indonesia), Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
Retirement date: none
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: develop Azure compute solutions; develop for Azure storage; implement Azure security; monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize Azure solutions; and connect to and consume Azure services and third-party services. You will be able to select the code language (C# or Python) that’s included in the questions when you launch the exam.

Skills measured

The English language version of this exam was updated on October 18, 2023. Review the study guide linked in the preceding “Tip” box for details about the skills measured and latest changes.
Develop Azure compute solutions (25–30%)
Develop for Azure storage (15–20%)
Implement Azure security (20–25%)
Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize Azure solutions (15–20%)
Connect to and consume Azure services and third-party services (15–20%)

Ways to prepare

AZ-204: Implement Azure App Service web apps
AZ-204: Implement Azure Functions
AZ-204: Develop solutions that use Blob storage
AZ-204: Develop solutions that use Azure Cosmos DB
AZ-204: Implement containerized solutions
AZ-204: Implement user authentication and authorization
AZ-204: Implement secure Azure solutions
AZ-204: Implement API Management
AZ-204: Develop event-based solutions
AZ-204: Develop message-based solutions
AZ-204: Troubleshoot solutions by using Application Insights
AZ-204: Implement caching for solutions

Microsoft Azure certification AZ-204 Exam resources 

ExamGood offers AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Exam Questions, emphasizing four key features. Upon successful purchase, customers can instantly download the study material without any waiting time. The product is available in both PDF and software versions. The PDF format allows for direct printing, while the software version is compatible with any operating system and has no usage restrictions.
Customers benefit from one year of free updates, with the option to extend it to two years for an additional $10. This ensures the study material remains current and aligned with the latest Azure exam content. In the event of exam failure, ExamGood provides a unique guarantee: if a candidate fails the exam and submits the result, they are eligible for an immediate refund. This guarantee reflects ExamGood's confidence in the quality of their materials and underscores their commitment to customer satisfaction.
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