
Microsoft Microsoft Azure certification AZ-500

Product Description

Exam Code:AZ-500

Exam Name:Microsoft Azure Security Technologies

Q&A:430 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Prepare for excellence in the AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies Exam with ExamGood's expertly designed study materials. Elevate your Azure security expertise and advance your career in cloud security.

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ExamGood AZ-500 Exam Features
Exam AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies

Exam Overview: 

As an Azure security engineer, your role involves implementing, managing, and monitoring security for resources in Azure, multi-cloud, and hybrid environments. You are responsible for recommending security components and configurations to protect various assets: 
Identity and access
Your responsibilities as an Azure security engineer include:
Managing the security posture.
Identifying and remediating vulnerabilities.
Performing threat modelling.
Implementing threat protection.
As an Azure security engineer, you collaborate with various stakeholders to develop and deploy security solutions that align with compliance and security requirements.
You should have:
Practical experience in administration of Microsoft Azure and hybrid environments.
Strong familiarity with compute, network, and storage in Azure and Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), part of Microsoft Entra.
You may be eligible for ACE college credit if you pass this certification exam. 
The English language version of this exam was updated on August 23, 2023. Check the study guide for details on the latest changes. The passing score for this exam is 700.

Schedule exam

The Exam AZ-500 measures your ability to manage identity and access, secure networking, secure compute, storage, and databases, and manage security operations in Microsoft Azure. The exam fee is $165 USD.
Price based on the country or region in which the exam is proctored.

Skills measured

The English language version of this exam was updated on August 23, 2023. Review the study guide linked in the preceding "Tip" box for details about the skills measured and latest changes.
Manage identity and access (25–30%)
Secure networking (20–25%)
Secure compute, storage, and databases (20–25%)
Manage security operations (25–30%)

Related Exam resources

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ExamGood offers a convenient way to purchase and download exam questions for the AZ-500 exam. Once you have successfully made a purchase, you can immediately download the questions. This means you can start your preparation without any delay, saving you valuable time. The ease of accessing the exam questions allows you to plan your study schedule effectively and make the most out of your preparation time.
PDF and Software Versions
ExamGood provides exam questions in both PDF and software versions. This flexibility allows you to choose the format that suits your preferences and study habits. The PDF version is ideal for those who prefer to study from physical documents or want to print the questions for offline use. On the other hand, the software version offers a more interactive experience with features like timed exams and performance tracking. Having the option to choose between these two versions ensures that you can study in a way that best fits your learning style.
Free Updates and Refund Policy
One of the standout features of ExamGood is the free updates it offers for a year. As the AZ-500 exam evolves over time, it is crucial to stay up to date with the latest exam content. ExamGood regularly updates its question bank to reflect any changes in the exam syllabus, ensuring that you are well-prepared for the actual exam. Additionally, ExamGood has a refund policy in case you fail the exam. This guarantee provides peace of mind and indicates the confidence ExamGood has in the quality of their exam questions.
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