
Microsoft Microsoft Azure certification AZ-120

Product Description

Exam Code:AZ-120

Exam Name:Planning and Administering Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads

Q&A:228 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Enhance your AZ-120 exam readiness using ExamGood's comprehensive study materials tailored for SAP workloads on Microsoft Azure.

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ExamGood AZ-120 Exam Features
Exam AZ-120: Planning and Administering Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads

Exam Overview

The Exam AZ-120 is for architects or engineers with extensive experience and knowledge of the SAP system landscape and industry standards specific to the migration or integration and long-term operation of an SAP solution on Microsoft Azure. Responsibilities include making recommendations on services, adjusting resources for optimal performance, and implementing solutions by partnering with cloud administrators, cloud database administrators, and clients. Candidates should have experience with SAP applications, Azure portal, virtualization, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, high availability design, disaster recovery design, data protection concepts, and networking.
For this exam, we strongly recommend that candidates have an Azure Administrator Associate certification.
The Exam AZ-120 for Planning and Administering Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads has a passing score of 700. The English language version was updated on August 21, 2023, and the study guide linked in the "Tip" box provides details about the latest changes. If a localized version is available, it will be updated approximately eight weeks after the English version.

Schedule exam

Exam AZ-120 tests your ability to migrate SAP workloads to Azure, design and implement infrastructure to support SAP workloads, ensure high availability and disaster recovery, and maintain SAP workloads on Azure. The exam is available in multiple languages and has no retirement date.

Skills measured

The English language version of this exam was updated on August 21, 2023. Review the study guide linked in the preceding “Tip” box for details about the skills measured and latest changes.
Migrate SAP workloads to Azure (25–30%)
Design and implement an infrastructure to support SAP workloads on Azure (25–30%)
Design and implement high availability and disaster recovery (HA/DR) (20–25%)
Maintain SAP workloads on Azure (15–20%)

Mastering Azure for SAP Workloads: Your Road to Success with ExamGood

To embark on this journey, individuals need the right knowledge and preparation. That's where ExamGood comes into play, offering valuable resources for acing the "Exam AZ-120: Planning and Administering Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads."
Immediate Download:
Time is of the essence, and ExamGood understands that. Upon successful purchase, you gain immediate access to download the exam questions. No waiting, no hassle—just instant access to the materials you need to kickstart your preparation.
Variety of Formats:
People have diverse learning preferences, and ExamGood caters to that. They provide exam questions in both PDF and software versions. Whether you prefer the traditional feel of printed material or the interactive experience of software, you have the choice to select the format that suits you best.
Free Updates for a Year:
The technology landscape is ever-evolving, and keeping up with the latest developments is crucial. ExamGood offers a remarkable advantage with one year of free updates for the exam questions. This ensures that you are always armed with the most current and relevant information, aligning your knowledge with any changes in the exam content.
Money-Back Guarantee:
ExamGood's confidence in their materials is evident through their money-back guarantee. In the unfortunate event that you do not pass the exam despite using their resources, they offer a refund. This guarantee showcases their commitment to your success.
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