
Adobe Adobe Campaign AD0-E307

Product Description

Exam Code:AD0-E307

Exam Name:Adobe Campaign Standard Business Practitioner

Q&A:90 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


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ExamGood AD0-E307 Exam Features
Business Practitioner Expert certification | Adobe Experience Cloud
Exam AD0-E307
Learn how to become a certified Adobe Business Practitioner Expert.

Business Practitioner Expert certification | Adobe Experience Cloud Minimum experience

You should have experience working in a channel delivery environment (email, direct mail, mobile, and social); familiarity with marketing campaign tactics such as multi-touch, life cycle, and reactivation; and an understanding of marketing metrics such as ROI, clickthrough rates, and conversion.
Additionally, you should have:
To obtain the Business Practitioner Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud, one must have field experience with Campaign Standard, the ability to process data files, an understanding of relational databases, triggers, APIs, and technical workflows, the ability to build marketing workflows and work with underlying data, experience configuring reports, and an understanding of campaign delivery set up and approvals.
The Business Practitioner Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud is valid for two years from passing and it is recommended to take the newer version to cover the latest product capabilities.
Intended audience:
The Business Practitioner Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud is relevant for various roles including email marketing manager, digital marketing manager, campaign specialist, marketing operation manager, campaign product manager, campaign analyst, data analytics manager, CRM manager, and solutions manager.
Exam details:
The Business Practitioner Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud requires 1-3 years of experience, has a passing score of 30/50, takes 100 minutes, and is available in English and Japanese. It can be taken online or at a test center and costs $225 globally or $150 in India. The exam ID is AD0-E307.
Exam objectives and scope
Section 1: Delivery management (25%)
The Business Practitioner Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud covers setting up and deploying a delivery using best practices, determining the correct delivery configuration, and utilizing Email Designer functionalities for appropriate scenarios.
Section 2: Campaign management (25%)
The Business Practitioner Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud involves applying configurations to execute workflows and best practices in planning, outlining, and modifying a campaign.
Section 3: Requirements analysis (10%)
The Business Practitioner Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud involves designing a new workflow based on business/campaign requirements and interpreting customer requirements.
Section 4: Reporting (15%)
The Business Practitioner Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud involves skills such as determining appropriate reports based on customer requirements, customizing dynamic reports, interpreting results from sample reports, and scheduling/sending out-of-the-box reports.
Section 5: Troubleshooting (10%)
The Business Practitioner Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud involves monitoring and identifying errors, as well as analyzing and interpreting deployment results.
Section 6: Data management and administration (15%)
The Business Practitioner Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud covers topics such as explaining data model resources, performing Campaign Standard administration, and applying the process to build targeted audiences.

The benefit of use ExamGood Adobe Campaign AD0-E307 Exam Questions 

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, staying at the forefront is pivotal. The Adobe Campaign AD0-E307 Exam serves as a testament to your mastery of Adobe's marketing automation toolkit, enabling you to craft personalized customer experiences and drive business growth. However, navigating the exam's content and securing a passing grade can be quite a challenge. Enter ExamGood, offering a comprehensive solution that revolves around four key benefits to ensure your success:
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