
Adobe Adobe Campaign AD0-E328

Product Description

Exam Code:AD0-E328

Exam Name:Adobe Campaign Classic Architect

Q&A:295 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood Adobe AD0-E328 preparation material provides you everything you will need to take your AD0-E328 certification exam. Download the latest Adobe Campaign Classic Architect AD0-E328 certification exam from

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AD0-E328: Adobe Campaign Classic Architect

Exam description

Learn who should take this exam, what experience is recommended, and what subjects are covered on the exam.
Level: Master (3-5 years’ experience)
Passing Score: 30/50
Time: 100 mins
Delivery: Online proctored (requires camera access)
Available languages: English
Cost: $225 (global) / $150 (India)
Exam ID: AD0-E328

Intended audience

Technical Lead with Adobe Campaign Classic background
Adobe Certified Expert - Campaign Classic Developer
Adobe Campaign Classic developer or similar role
Martech Solution Architect

Minimum experience

You should have:
Experience with multiple Adobe Campaign Classic implementations
An understanding of how Adobe Campaign works as a digital marketing solution and implements it based on project requirements
The ability to create a functional design document
The ability to create a functional scope of work for an Adobe Campaign installation
The ability to provide the technical roadmap including LEO and task dependencies
The ability to provide technical requirement information for the project scope and timeline
Experience with business requirements workshops
Experience in leading solution design workshops
The ability to evaluate multiple solution approaches and provide recommendations
The ability to review existing campaigns and processes on other platforms to determine needs for the Adobe Campaign implementation
The ability to describe and demonstrate product features and capabilities
The ability to map product capabilities to high use cases
Experience in supporting the pre-sales team
The ability to offer deskside coaching (product best practice, reporting metrics, and so on)
Experience in describing the differences between deployment models

Exam objectives and scope

This section provides information on the exam content.
Section 1: Solution definition (24%)
Section 2: Data landscaping (24%)
Section 3: Installation and management (16%)
Section 4: Project leadership (10%)
Section 5: Customization (26%) 

How to get certified 

These steps take you through the certification process from beginning to end.
Step 1: Create your account
Step 2: Prepare for your exam with these free study materials
Step 3: Schedule & pay for exam
Step 4: Before and after the exam
Step 5: Take the exam
Step 6: Manage your badges

The Benefits of Using ExamGood for Your Adobe Campaign AD0-E328 Exam Preparation

Instant Access to Exam Materials: You can instant access to ExamGood AD0-E328: Adobe Campaign Classic Architect exam questions immediately after purchase. There's no need to wait around for materials to arrive or be processed. Once your payment is successful, you can start your preparation right away by downloading the questions directly from your member section under "my orders".
PDF and ice software Download: PDF vesion is easy and convenient for you to read all the questions and answers. You can also print out to study. The software version can practice like real exam environment, without device limited. 
Free Updates for a Year: One year of free updates that come with the AD0-E328: Adobe Campaign Classic Architect exam questions. This means that if there are any updates or changes to the exam materials, you'll receive them at no additional cost for a full year after your purchase. For just an extra $10, you can extend these updates to two years, ensuring that you're always studying with latest Adobe Campaign AD0-E328 materials.
Full Refund Guarantee: If for any reason you do not pass the AD0-E328: Adobe Campaign Classic Architect exam, ExamGood will issue a full refund. All that's required is a sent score report. This policy highlights the company's confidence in its materials and commitment to the success of its users.
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Actual Adobe Campaign AD0-E328 exam dumps from ExamGood. I took AD0-E328 exam and passed it. The AD0-E328 questions material cover all the exam topics. Thanks so much.

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AD0-E328 Exam Successfully Done!

Thanks to ExamGood AD0-E328 exam dumps, I felt confident going into the exam.
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