
Lpi BSD Specialist 702-100

Product Description

Exam Code:702-100

Exam Name:Linux Professional Institute BSD Specialist

Q&A:60 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Prepare for the 702-100 exam with ExamGood's user-friendly and up-to-date study materials, providing a seamless and risk-free experience for Linux Professional Institute BSD Specialist certification.

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702-100: Linux Professional Institute BSD Specialist 

The BSD Specialist certification is part of the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Open Technology certification program.
The exam focuses on the practical skills required to work successfully in a FreeBSD, NetBSD or OpenBSD environment and tests the knowledge and skills needed to administer BSD operating systems.
The typical BSD Specialist certification holder is a system administrator of BSD operating systems. The certification holder has an understanding of the architecture of the BSD operating systems. This includes the ability to manage various aspects of a BSD installation, including the management of user accounts and groups, processes, file systems, installed software, and client networking configuration. The candidate is experienced in using standard BSD and Unix tools on the command line.
Current version: 1.0 (Exam code 702-100)
Objectives: 702-100
Prerequisites: There is no prerequisite certification for taking the BSD Specialist Engineer exam. However, it is strongly recommended that a candidate has more than a year of experience in administering BSD systems of various kinds.
Requirements: Passing the BSD Specialist exam. The 90-minute exam is 60 multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions.
Validity period: 5 years
Cost: Click here for exam pricing in your country.
Languages for exam available in VUE test centers: English
Languages for exams available online via OnVUE: English
To receive the BSD Specialist certification the candidate must:
Have a working knowledge of BSD operating systems: FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD
Be able to install, manage, and configure BSD operating system
Be able to configure hardware, set kernel parameters, and manage system security
Have basic knowledge in BSD system administration, job scheduling, and system automation
Have basic network administration knowledge

Primary jobs for BSD Specialists

System Administrators
FreeBSD System Administrator
NetBSD System Administrator
OpenBSD System Administrator
Unix Administrator
Server Administrator
IT Administrator
Security System Specialist
Network Engineer
Unix System Engineer
DevOps Engineer
Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)
BSD Specialist exam topics
BSD Installation and Software Management
Storage Devices and BSD Filesystems
Basic BSD System Administration
Basic BSD Network Administration
Basic Unix Skills

Recommended 702-100 Exam Preparation

ExamGood offers a comprehensive set of features for individuals preparing for the 702-100: Linux Professional Institute BSD Specialist Exam:
Instant Download Upon Successful Purchase: Gain immediate access to your study materials right after a successful purchase. ExamGood ensures that you can start your exam preparation promptly.
PDF and Software Versions Available: Tailor your study experience with the choice of PDF or software versions. ExamGood understands that different learners have different preferences, providing flexibility in study material formats.
Free Updates for One Year: Stay abreast of the latest developments in the Linux Professional Institute BSD Specialist domain. ExamGood offers one year of free updates to ensure that your study resources remain current and aligned with any changes in the exam content.
Immediate Refund in Case of Exam Failure: Your success is of utmost importance. In the unfortunate event of not passing the exam, ExamGood provides an immediate refund, offering assurance and support as you pursue your certification goals.
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