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Lpi LPIC-2 202-450

Product Description

Exam Code:202-450

Exam Name:LPIC-2 Exam 202, Part 2 of 2, version 4.5

Q&A:119 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Empower your career as an LPIC-2 certified professional with ExamGood's resources for the 202-450 Exam. We provide comprehensive study materials and a success assurance to help you reach your certification goals in Linux.

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ExamGood 202-450 Exam Features

Linux Professional Institute LPIC-2

LPIC-2 is the second certification in the multi-level professional certification program of the Linux Professional Institute (LPI). The LPIC-2 will validate the candidate's ability to administer small to medium–sized mixed networks.
Current version: 4.5 (Exam codes 201-450 and 202-450)
Objectives: 201-450, 202-450
Prerequisites: The candidate must have an active LPIC-1 certification to receive the LPIC-2 certification.
Requirements: Passing exams 201 and 202. Each 90-minute exam is 60 multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank questions.
Validity period: 5​ years unless retaken or higher level is achieved.
Cost:  exam pricing in your country.
Languages for exams available in VUE test centers: English, German, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Languages for exams available online via OnVUE: English, Japanese
To become LPIC-2 certified the candidate must be able to:
perform advanced system administration, including common tasks regarding the Linux kernel, system startup and maintenance;
perform advanced Management of block storage and file systems as well as advanced networking and authentication and system security, including firewall and VPN;
install and configure fundamental network services, including DHCP, DNS,  SSH, Web servers, file servers using FTP, NFS and Samba, email delivery; 
supervise assistants and advise management on automation and purchases.

LPIC-2 Exam Objectives

To become LPIC-2 certified, you must be LPIC-1 certified and pass both the 201 and 202 exams
At LPI we take the guesswork out of what's on the exam. Our exam objectives show you what topics you can expect to find on the exams as well as the relative importance of those topics. No matter which study resources you choose to prepare for your LPI exams, reviewing the individual exam objectives should be at the core of any study plan.

Latest Exam Guide 

ExamGood is a reliable platform that offers LPIC-2 Exam 202, Part 2 of 2, version 4.5 (202-450) Exam Questions. We understand the importance of providing convenient access to study materials, which is why we offer immediate download options after your purchase.
Our exam questions are available in both PDF and software versions, giving you the flexibility to choose the format that suits your learning style best. Whether you prefer traditional paper-based study materials or interactive software, we have you covered.
We also believe in continuous improvement, which is why we provide free updates for one year. As the exam content evolves, you can rest assured that you will have the most up-to-date study materials at your disposal.
We understand that exams can be challenging, and in the unfortunate event that you do not pass, we offer a refund. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we want to ensure that you have a positive experience with ExamGood.
So, if you are preparing for the LPIC-2 Exam 202, Part 2 of 2, version 4.5 (202-450), look no further. ExamGood has all the resources you need to confidently prepare and succeed.
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202-450 Exam Successfully Done!

I can confidently say that ExamGood products are the best study materials for the 202-450 exam.
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