
Veritas Veritas Certified Specialist (VCS) VCS-285

Product Description

Exam Code:VCS-285

Exam Name:Veritas NetBackup 10.x and NetBackup Appliance 5.x Administrator

Q&A:159 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Navigate the Veritas NetBackup 10.x and NetBackup Appliance 5.x Administrator exam landscape with confidence using ExamGood. Our VCS-285 study materials offer instant downloads, expert insights, and a fail-safe refund guarantee, ensuring your success in this critical certification journey.

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ExamGood VCS-285 Exam Features

VCS-285: Veritas NetBackup 10.x and NetBackup Appliance 5.x Administrator

Veritas certification exams target customers in an administrative role and assess technical knowledge in areas such as configuration, product administration, monitoring, maintenance, and basic troubleshooting.
The VCS-285 program validates the candidate's knowledge and skills in configuring and maintaining NetBackup version 10.x and NetBackup Appliances 5.x at a product/version level.
Passing the VCS-285 exam will earn a Veritas Certified Specialist (VCS) certification and contribute towards the requirements for a Veritas Certified Professional (VCP) certification in Data Protection.

Exam details

No. of Questions: 80 - 90
Exam Duration: 105 minutes
Passing Score: 65%
Languages: English
Exam Price: $200 USD (or your country’s currency equivalent)

Suggested preparation

Recommended Course:
This document provides links to Veritas training courses, including Veritas NetBackup 10.0 Administration, Veritas NetBackup 10.0 Advanced Administration, Veritas NetBackup 10.1 Differences, and Veritas NetBackup Appliances 5.0 Configuration and Management.
Note regarding recommended training course: If you do not have prior experience with this product, it is recommended that you complete an in-person, classroom training, online self-paced training, or virtual classroom class in preparation for the VCS exam. Be cautioned that attendance in a training course does not guarantee passage of a certification exam..
Recommended preparation steps:
To prepare for the VCS-285 Veritas certification exam, download and review the Exam Preparation Guide to understand the topics covered. Attend recommended training classes, gain hands-on experience with NetBackup 10.x and NetBackup Appliances 5.x, and test yourself using the Sample Exam.
In addition, you should be familiar with the following product documentation and web sites:
This document provides links to various resources related to Veritas products, including NetBackup 10.1 and Appliances 5.0. It includes links to product documentation, technical support, updates, patches, and Veritas communities.
Recommended hands-on experience (real world or virtual):
VCS-285 | Veritas covers troubleshooting NetBackup issues, installing updates, configuring backups and policies, performing restores, managing storage devices, monitoring backups and restores, and describing NetBackup features and architecture.

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ExamGood VCS-285: Your Key to Veritas NetBackup Success
Unlock success in the Veritas NetBackup 10.x and NetBackup Appliance 5.x Administrator Exam with ExamGood. Gain instant access to downloadable PDF and software versions, ensuring a seamless study experience. Benefit from one year of free updates, staying current with evolving exam content. With our fail-safe refund policy, ExamGood provides the confidence needed for your journey. Prepare efficiently and become a certified Veritas NetBackup Administrator with ExamGood as your trusted guide.
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