
HashiCorp Vault Associate VA-002-P

Product Description

Exam Code:VA-002-P

Exam Name:HashiCorp Certified: Vault Associate

Q&A:57 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Prepare for the HashiCorp Certified: Vault Associate (002) exam with ExamGood's study materials. Achieve your Vault Associate certification with ExamGood's help.

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 PDF(Printable Version) $98.00 $ 48.00
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Total     $98.00 $48.00
ExamGood VA-002-P Exam Features
The HashiCorp Cloud Engineer Certification - Vault Associate is designed for Cloud Engineers with expertise in security, development, or operations who have a solid understanding of HashiCorp Vault's basic concepts, skills, and use cases. Professional experience using Vault in production is recommended, but candidates can also prepare by completing the exam objectives in a personal demo environment. It is important to understand the enterprise features and limitations of the Community offering.
To pursue the HashiCorp Cloud Engineer Certification for Vault Associate, you should have basic terminal skills, a basic understanding of on-premise or cloud architecture, and a basic level of security understanding. The product version tested for the certification is Vault 1.6.0 and higher.

Preparing for the exam

The HashiCorp Cloud Engineer Certification for Vault Associate provides a study guide and a review guide, each serving different purposes. The study guide covers all exam objectives, while the review guide allows experienced individuals to select specific objectives for review. Sample questions are also available for exam preparation.

Renewing your Vault Associate certification

To renew your Vault Associate certification, you will need to take and pass the Vault Associate or Vault Operations Professional exam.
If you hold an unexpired Vault Associate certification there are two ways to recertify:
You can take the same Vault Associate exam again starting 18 months after your previous exam date. When you pass the exam, the expiration date on your credentials will be extended.
You can take the Vault Professional level exam starting 18 months after your previous exam date. When you pass the exam, you will receive a new set of credentials for the Vault Professional certification, and the expiration date will be extended on your Vault Associate credentials.
If you hold an expired Vault Associate certification: You are eligible to take the same Vault Associate exam again at any time. When you pass the exam, you will receive a new, second set of credentials with a new expiration date.

Exam Details

Exam Objectives

Compare authentication methods
Create Vault policies
Assess Vault tokens
Manage Vault leases
Compare and configure Vault secrets engines
Utilize Vault CLI
Utilize Vault UI
Be aware of the Vault API
Explain Vault architecture
Explain encryption as a service

Latest exam Material 

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Upon successful purchase, you will be able to download the exam questions immediately. This ensures that you can start preparing for your exam without any delay.
We provide the exam questions in both PDF and software versions. You can choose the format that suits your study preferences and convenience.
To ensure that you have access to the latest and most up-to-date VA-002-P: HashiCorp Certified: Vault Associate (002)  content, we offer free updates for one year. This means that if there are any changes or updates to the exam syllabus during this period, you will receive the updated questions at no additional cost.
We understand that exams can be challenging, and sometimes despite your best efforts, you may not achieve the desired result. In such cases, we offer an immediate refund if you fail the exam. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we want to ensure that you have a risk-free experience with our product.
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