Tableau Tableau Certified Data Analyst TDA-C01

Product Description

Exam Code:TDA-C01

Exam Name:Tableau Certified Data Analyst Exam

Q&A:120 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


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About the Tableau Certified Data Analyst TDA-C01 Exam and Program

The Tableau Certified Data Analyst certification is for individuals who can analyze data, identify insights, and communicate findings using Tableau Desktop, Tableau Prep, and either Tableau Server or Tableau Online. There are no prerequisites for the exam, and the certification is valid for two years.

Audience Description: Tableau Certified Data Analyst

The Tableau Certified Data Analyst exam tests candidates on their ability to connect to data sources, perform data transformations, analyze data, create visualizations, and share content using Tableau Desktop, Tableau Prep, and either Tableau Server or Tableau Online. Candidates should have at least 6 months of experience with Tableau products and the skills to pass the Tableau Desktop Specialist certification exam.

Purpose of this Exam Guide

This exam guide provides information about the Tableau Certified Data Analyst exam, including the target audience, recommended training and documentation, and a list of exam objectives. A combination of on-the-job experience, course attendance, and self-study is recommended to increase the chances of passing the exam.

About Tableau Certified Data Analyst TDA-C01     

Exam Overview   
The Tableau Certified Data Analyst exam consists of 40-45 knowledge-based items and 8-10 performance-based hands-on lab items, with a time limit of 120 minutes. The passing score is 750, and results are reported by email within 48 hours. The exam can be taken in English or Japanese, and can be delivered onsite at a Pearson VUE testing center or in an online proctored environment. No hard-copy or online materials may be used during the exam. The registration fee is USD $250 plus applicable taxes, with a reschedule fee of USD $25 plus applicable taxes.
Exam Registration, Scheduling, and System Preparation    
To register and schedule for the Tableau Certified Data Analyst exam, create or log in to your Tableau Certification Account, navigate to "Schedule My Exam," and choose "Schedule or Manage my exam with Pearson." Before the exam, conduct a system test to ensure proper configuration and review technical requirements. During the check-in process, show a valid government-issued ID with a recognizable photo that matches your exam registration. Failure to meet ID requirements will result in exam session termination.
Exam Structure   
The Tableau Certified Data Analyst exam has three sections, including a knowledge-based section, a hands-on lab section, and another knowledge-based section. Candidates are not allowed to go back to a previous section once they have moved on to the next. Access to the internet or any other outside application is prohibited during the entire exam, and technical issues should be reported to the proctor or the Tableau Certification Team.
Results and Scoring   
Tableau exam results are reported as a score from 100 to 1000, with scaled scoring models used to equate scores across multiple exam forms. Candidates will receive an email with their score report within 48 hours of completing the exam, and can access it through their certification account. The exam uses a compensatory scoring model, and unscored items are included to gather statistical information for future use.

Recommended Training and References

To become a Tableau Certified Data Analyst, candidates should have hands-on experience, complete training courses, and self-study. They should also be familiar with Tableau training and resources such as the Exam Readiness course, Analyst Learning Path, and Tableau Training Pass.
Exam Outline
This exam guide provides test domains, coverage percentages, and objectives for the Tableau Certified Data Analyst certification. The guide includes a table listing the main content domains and their weightings.

Maintaining Your Certification

You will want to pass the corresponding exam again to maintain your active status. Expired titles are unable to receive certain benefits and do not allow for discounts on exam purchases. Digital badges for expired titles will remain available to you but will show as expired.

Why choose ExamGood Tableau Certified Data Analyst TDA-C01 Exam Questions? 

In the dynamic landscape of professional certifications, the choice of preparatory resources can make all the difference. When it comes to the Tableau Certified Data Analyst (TDA-C01) Exam, ExamGood stands out as a reliable partner in your journey towards success. Let's delve into the compelling reasons why choosing ExamGood's Tableau Certified Data Analyst TDA-C01 Exam Questions is a strategic move that can significantly enhance your preparation and maximize your chances of acing the exam.
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Tailoring resources to various learning preferences is crucial for effective preparation. ExamGood's Tableau Certified Data Analyst TDA-C01 Exam Questions are available both in PDF and software formats. Whether you're a visual learner who prefers reading through PDFs or an interactive enthusiast who thrives on software practice, ExamGood accommodates your unique learning style.
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ExamGood's confidence in their materials is demonstrated through their refund policy. If, despite your dedicated preparation, you're unable to achieve the desired outcome in the Tableau Certified Data Analyst TDA-C01 Exam, ExamGood offers a refund. This assurance further emphasizes ExamGood's commitment to providing high-quality resources that align with the exam's demands.
Choosing ExamGood's Tableau Certified Data Analyst TDA-C01 Exam Questions goes beyond a mere transaction – it's an investment in your success. By providing instant access, accommodating diverse learning styles, offering free updates, and backing their resources with a refund policy, ExamGood empowers you to take control of your preparation journey.
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TDA-C01 Exam Passed with Flying Colors!

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I have the highest respect for ExamGood for their unwavering support. Their Tableau Certified Data Analyst TDA-C01 resources were like wise mentors, helping me find my path to success.

TDA-C01 Exam Passed with Dedication!

ExamGood TDA-C01 study guide is a valuable companion for anyone seeking certification. It provides a step-by-step approach to exam preparation.
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