
Splunk Splunk Core Certified User SPLK-1004

Product Description

Exam Code:SPLK-1004

Exam Name:Splunk Core Certified Advanced Power User Exam

Q&A:76 Q&As

Updated: 02-04-2025


ExamGood SPLK-1004: Splunk Core Certified Advanced Power User Exam equips candidates with advanced skills in utilizing Splunk for efficient data analysis and visualization.

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ExamGood SPLK-1004 Exam Features

SPLK-1004: Splunk Core Certified Advanced Power User

Demonstrate deeper skills in complex searching and reporting, advanced knowledge objects use cases and best practices for dashboards and forms.

Get more out of your data with advanced certification

Take your power user status to the next level. Learn how to generate complex searches, reports and dashboards. With deeper expertise, you can expand what you can do with your organization's data.

Who should take this exam?

A Splunk Core Certified Advanced Power User takes Power User skills to the next level. Demonstrate your ability to generate the most efficient searches, build the best dashboards and make the most of a Splunk Cloud or Splunk Enterprise deployment.
Rising star
Showcase your Splunk abilities as an Advanced Power User. Boost your earnings and earn your next promotion.
Competitive job seeker
Stand apart with certified knowledge of advanced search commands, knowledge object use cases and ability to make the most of an organization's data.
Future consultant
Accelerate your Splunk expertise. Splunk Core Certified Advanced Power Users are one step closer to the ultimate goal: Splunk Core Certified Consultant.

Exam Details:

Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: Splunk Core Certified Power User
Length: 60 minutes
Format: 70 multiple choice questions
Pricing: $130 USD per exam attempt
Delivery: Exam is given by our testing partner Pearson VUE


Review exam requirements and recommendations on the Splunk Core Certified Advanced Power User track flowchart.
Test your knowledge with sample questions in the Splunk Certification Exams Study Guide.
Discover what to expect on the exam via the test blueprint.
Get step-by-step registration assistance with the Exam Registration Tutorial.


ExamGood SPLK-1004: Splunk Core Certified Advanced Power User Exam Questions
Instant Download Upon Purchase: Access your study materials immediately after a successful purchase, eliminating any waiting time. Start your SPLK-1004 exam preparation promptly for efficient studying.
PDF and Software Versions Available: Choose your preferred study format. Opt for the PDF version, allowing direct printing for tangible study materials. Alternatively, utilize the software version on any device without restrictions, providing flexibility in your study approach.
One-Year Free Updates: Stay current with the latest exam content. Enjoy complimentary updates for one year, ensuring your study materials remain aligned with any changes or updates to the SPLK-1004 exam syllabus. Extend your update access to two years by adding $10, ensuring continued relevance in your exam preparation.
Refund Policy After Exam Failure: Your satisfaction is our priority. In the event of exam failure, request an immediate refund by providing your scorecard. Our refund policy ensures a risk-free experience, demonstrating our commitment to supporting you throughout your SPLK-1004 certification

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