
Microsoft Microsoft Certified: Information Protection Administrator Associate SC-400

Product Description

Exam Code:SC-400

Exam Name:Administering Information Protection and Compliance in Microsoft 365

Q&A:294 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Get ready to conquer the SC-400: Microsoft Information Protection Administrator exam with our comprehensive study materials. Master the essential skills and knowledge needed to excel in this certification and boost your career.

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ExamGood SC-400 Exam Features

SC-400: Microsoft Information Protection Administrator

As an information protection and compliance administrator, you are responsible for administering risk and compliance controls in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal for Microsoft 365.
In this role, you are responsible for translating an organization's risk and compliance requirements into technical implementation. This includes implementing and managing solutions for content classification, data loss prevention (DLP), information protection, data lifecycle management, records management, privacy, risk, and compliance.
As part of your role, you collaborate with governance, data, and security teams to develop policies for risk reduction and compliance. You support workload administrators, application owners, HR departments, and legal stakeholders in implementing technology solutions that align with these policies and controls.
You should have experience with Microsoft 365 services, including:
Microsoft 365 Apps
Microsoft Exchange Online
Microsoft SharePoint
Microsoft OneDrive
Microsoft Teams
You should also be familiar with PowerShell.
The English language version of this exam was updated on August 22, 2023, with details available in the study guide. Localized versions may be updated approximately eight weeks later, but there may be exceptions. The passing score is 700.
Schedule exam
The SC-400 exam focuses on administering information protection and compliance in Microsoft 365. It is available in multiple languages and does not have a retirement date.
This exam assesses your proficiency in implementing information protection, DLP, data lifecycle and records management, monitoring and investigating data and activities using Microsoft Purview, and managing insider and privacy risk in Microsoft 365. The exam fee is $165 USD.

Skills measured

The English language version of the exam was updated on August 22, 2023. Refer to the study guide for information on the skills measured and the latest changes.
Implement information protection (25–30%)
Implement DLP (15–20%)
Implement data lifecycle and records management (10–15%)
Monitor and investigate data and activities by using Microsoft Purview (15–20%)
Manage insider and privacy risk in Microsoft 365 (15–20%)

Latest ExamGood Microsoft SC-400 exam questions share

ExamGood offers SC-400 exam questions for the Microsoft Information Protection Administrator certification. With ExamGood, you can download the exam questions instantly after a successful purchase. The exam questions are available in both PDF and software versions, providing you with flexibility in studying and preparing for the exam.
In addition, ExamGood offers free updates for one year. This means that if there are any changes or updates to the exam content during that period, you will receive the updated questions without any additional cost.
Furthermore, ExamGood has a refund policy in place. If you fail the exam after using their exam questions, you can request an immediate refund. This ensures that you are protected and have peace of mind when using their study materials.
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