Professional Cloud Architect

Google Professional Certifications Professional Cloud Architect

Product Description

Exam Code:Professional Cloud Architect

Exam Name:Google Certified Professional – Cloud Architect (GCP)

Q&A:249 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Achieve success in the Professional Cloud Architect exam with ExamGood's premium study resources. Our comprehensive materials cover all aspects of cloud architecture, ensuring you're well-prepared to excel in the certification journey.

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ExamGood Professional-Cloud-Architect Exam Features

Professional Cloud Architect

Professional Cloud Architects possess the knowledge and skills to help organizations utilize Google Cloud technologies effectively. They are capable of designing, developing, and managing secure, scalable, and dynamic solutions that align with business goals.
The Professional Cloud Architect certification exam assesses your ability to:
Design and plan a cloud solution architecture
Manage and provision the cloud solution infrastructure
Design for security and compliance
Analyze and optimize technical and business processes
Manage implementations of cloud architecture
Ensure solution and operations reliability

About this certification exam

Length: 2 hours
Registration fee: $200 (plus tax where applicable)
Languages: English, Japanese
Exam format: 50-60 multiple choice and multiple select questions
Case studies: The Professional Cloud Architect Certification exam includes 2 case studies that assess your ability to apply knowledge to realistic business situations. Case study questions make up 20-30% of the exam. You can view the case studies on a split screen during the exam. Refer to the Exam Guide for the available case studies.
Exam delivery method: To obtain the Professional Cloud Architect Certification from Google Cloud, you have two options: a) take the online-proctored exam from a remote location, or b) take the onsite-proctored exam at a testing center.
Prerequisites: None
Recommended experience: 3+ years of industry experience including 1+ years designing and managing solutions using Google Cloud
Certification Renewal / Recertification: To maintain their certification status, candidates for the Professional Cloud Architect Certification must recertify every two years by retaking the exam and achieving a passing score. Recertification can be attempted starting 60 days prior to the certification expiration date.

Certification exam guide

A Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect enables organizations to leverage Google Cloud technologies. Through an understanding of cloud architecture and Google technology, this individual designs, develops, and manages robust, secure, scalable, highly available, and dynamic solutions to drive business objectives. The Cloud Architect should be proficient in all aspects of enterprise cloud strategy, solution design, and architectural best practices. The Cloud Architect should also be experienced in software development methodologies and approaches including multi-tiered distributed applications which span multicloud or hybrid environments.

Take Professional Cloud Architect certification exam

ExamGood offers a comprehensive collection of Professional Cloud Architect exam questions. Upon successful purchase, you can instantly download the study materials in both PDF and software versions. What's more, you will receive free updates for one year, ensuring that you have access to the latest content. ExamGood also provides a refund guarantee if you do not pass the exam. With ExamGood, you can prepare confidently knowing that you have reliable resources at your disposal. Start your journey towards becoming a Professional Cloud Architect today!
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