
Microsoft Microsoft Power Platform PL-100

Product Description

Exam Code:PL-100

Exam Name:Microsoft Power Platform App Maker (beta)

Q&A:278 Q&As

Updated: 07-09-2024


The exam has been retired!

Unlock your potential with ExamGood's PL-100 Exam preparation materials. Enhance your skills for the Microsoft Power Platform App Maker Exam using our comprehensive resources.

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ExamGood PL-100 Exam Features

Exam PL-100: Microsoft Power Platform App Maker

The candidate for this exam envisions and creates business solutions to simplify and automate tasks and processes for themselves and their team. They understand the data that they are working with, the issues that they need to resolve, and the required processes and app experiences. The candidate may not have formal IT training but is comfortable using technology to solve business problems.
The candidate is self-directed and focuses on solving problems that they encounter as part of their primary job role. They may connect to and use features of apps including Microsoft Power Platform, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365 apps and services, and third-party solutions. The candidate has a desire to understand the capabilities and limitations of available tools and understand how to apply them.
The English language version of this exam was updated on March 15, 2023. Review the study guide linked in the “Tip” box for details about the changes. If a localized version of this exam is available, it will be updated approximately eight weeks after this date. While Microsoft makes every effort to update localized versions as noted, there may be times when the localized versions of this exam are not updated on this schedule. Passing score: 700

Schedule exam

Languages: English, Japanese, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), Italian, Chinese (Simplified)
Retirement date: none
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: design business solutions; analyze and visualize data; and create business solutions.

Skills measured

The English language version of this exam was updated on March 15, 2023. Review the study guide linked in the preceding “Tip” box for details about the skills measured and latest changes.
Design business solutions (20–25%)
Analyze and visualize data (10–15%)
Create business solutions (60–65%)

Ways to prepare

Describe the business value of the Microsoft Power Platform
Create tables in Dataverse
Get started with model-driven apps in Power Apps
Create and manage columns within a table in Dataverse
Get started with security roles in Dataverse
Document and test your Power Apps application
Get started with Microsoft Dataverse for Teams
Build your first app with Power Apps and Dataverse for Teams
Create a canvas app in Power Apps
Navigation in a canvas app in Power Apps
How to build the UI in a canvas app in Power Apps
Use and understand Controls in a canvas app in Power Apps
Get started with Power Automate
Use the Admin center to manage environments and data policies in Power Automate
Introduction to Microsoft Power Platform security and governance
Build your first workflow with Power Automate and Dataverse for Teams
Get started building with Power BI
Get data with Power BI Desktop
Create reports with Power BI and Dataverse for Teams
Get started with AI Builder
Create a chatbot with Microsoft Copilot Studio and Dataverse for Teams
Validate your app maker skills

Training and certification guide

ExamGood's offerings for the PL-100: Microsoft Power Platform App Maker Exam. ExamGood provides the following four points:
Instant Download Upon Successful Purchase: Once you successfully purchase the exam materials, you can download them immediately.
PDF and Software Versions Available: ExamGood provides both PDF and software versions of the exam materials for your convenience.
Free Updates for One Year: You will receive free updates for a period of one year after your purchase.
Immediate Refund in Case of Exam Failure: If you do not pass the exam, ExamGood offers an immediate refund.
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Customer Feedback

PL-100 Exam Passed with Flying Colors!

I passed Microsoft Power Platform PL-100 exam today,I never thought I could pass so easily,your ExamGood made it possible for me, Thanks for your best materials,and appreciate for your support.

PL-100 Exam Passed with Dedication!

ExamGood PL-100 study guide is a comprehensive and well-crafted resource. It provided me with a clear roadmap to certification success.
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