Paloalto Networks Palo Alto Certifications and Accreditations PCDRA

Product Description

Exam Code:PCDRA

Exam Name:Palo Alto Networks Certified Detection and Remediation Analyst

Q&A:91 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Get certified as a Palo Alto Networks Certified Detection and Remediation Analyst (PCDRA) with ExamGood. Enhance your skills in network security and threat detection with our comprehensive training and preparation materials.

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 PDF(Printable Version) $98.00 $ 48.00
Testing Engine(Software Version) $20.00 $10.00
Total     $98.00 $48.00
ExamGood PCDRA Exam Features
Palo Alto Networks Certified Detection and Remediation Analyst (PCDRA)
The PCDRA certification covers cybersecurity and endpoint security concepts related to detecting and responding to cyber threats using Cortex® XDR™.

Certification Objectives

The Palo Alto Networks Detection and Remediation Analyst (PCDRA) certification covers industry-recognized cybersecurity and endpoint security concepts related to detecting and responding to cyber threats using Cortex® XDR™. The certification validates that engineers possess the in-depth skills and knowledge to develop playbooks, manage incidents, create automations and integrations, and demonstrate the highest standard of deployment methodology and operational best practices.

Target Audience

The PCDRA certification is designed for students and technical professionals, as well as any non-technical individuals interested in validating comprehensive knowledge on current cybersecurity tenets, including security engineers, security administrators, security operators, security analysts, and security architects.

Certification information

The duration of the Palo Alto Networks PCNSE (Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer) exam is 2 hours. There is no set number of questions for the Palo Alto Networks PCDRA exam. The exam is composed of a customizable set of questions that are tailored to the individual's knowledge and skills.
The passing score required to pass the Palo Alto Networks PCDRA exam is 70%. The Competency Level required for the Palo Alto Networks PCDRA exam is an Advanced level. The Palo Alto Networks PCDRA exam is a multiple-choice exam that consists of 60 questions. The Palo Alto Networks PCDRA exam can be taken online or at a testing center. To take the exam online, you must first register for the exam through the Palo Alto Networks website. Once registered, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access the exam. To take the exam in a testing center, you must contact a local testing center and schedule an appointment.
The Palo Alto Networks PCDRA exam is offered in English. The Palo Alto Networks PCDRA exam is offered for a fee of $150. The target audience for the Palo Alto Networks PCDRA Exam is IT professionals who have experience with Palo Alto Networks products and services, including certified administrators, engineers, and security analysts.
The average salary for a Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer (PCNSE) is $87,000 per year.

Certification Resource

At ExamGood, we strive to provide you with the best resources to help you prepare for the Palo Alto Networks Certified Detection and Remediation Analyst (PCDRA) exam. With our comprehensive exam questions, you can confidently tackle the exam and achieve your certification.
Upon successful purchase, you will have instant access to download the exam questions. Whether you prefer the convenience of a PDF version or the flexibility of a software version, we have both options available for you.
We understand the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and knowledge. That's why we offer free updates for one year. You can rest assured that you will have access to the most current and relevant exam questions throughout your preparation.
We are confident in the quality of our exam questions. However, in the unlikely event that you fail the exam, we offer an immediate refund. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we want to ensure that you have a positive and successful exam experience.
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