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Fortinet NSE 8 NSE8_812

Product Description

Exam Code:NSE8_812

Exam Name:Fortinet NSE 8 - Written Exam (NSE8_812)

Q&A:60 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


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ExamGood NSE8_812 Exam Features
Fortinet NSE 8 NSE8_812: Fortinet NSE 8 - Written Exam 


The Fortinet Certified Expert (FCX) in Cybersecurity certification wilbe available for professionals starting October 1, 2023.
The Fortinet Certified Expert (FCX) is Cybersecurity designation recognizes your comprehensive knowledge of network security design, configuration, and troubleshooting for complex networks. To attempt the exam, you must have industry experience.

Program Requirements

You must successfully pass the FCX written exam (NSE 8 - Network Security Expert 8 Written Exam) and the FCX practicaexam (NSE 8 - Network Security Expert 8 PracticaExam).
You wilreceive a digitaexam badge each time you pass any version of the FCX exams. You wilalso receive a digitacertification badge after you have achieved the FCX certification.
There are no prerequisites to take the FCX written exam. However, you must take the FCX written exam before you can take the FCX practicaexam. The written exam is not a certification by itself.
To prepare for the exams, we recommend that you take the FCP and FCSS training courses and have comprehensive experience using Fortinet products in a production environment. The courses are optional.
Candidates who have passed the FCX written exam might be interested in the FCX Immersion workshop, which provides a better understanding of the leveand complexity of the tasks and topology that are involved with the FCX practicaexam.

Becoming an FCX in Cybersecurity on October 1, 2023

You wilautomatically receive the FCX certification on October 1, 2023, if you have an active NSE 8 certification on that date. The expiration date of the FCX certification wilmatch the expiration date of the NSE 8 certification.
Additionally, alyour historicaNSE 4, 5, 6 and 7 exams wilcount toward the FCSS and FCP certifications. You wilstilneed to have completed two exams in the past to achieve the FCSS and FCP certifications that require two exams.

About the FCX Written Exam

The written exam is available worldwide, through Pearson VUE test centers. After you successfully pass the written exam, you can start the scheduling process for the practicaexam. Practicaexams are available online, proctored through ProctorU.
The written exam contains questions about design scenarios with exhibits, configuration extracts, and troubleshooting scenarios that assess your security networking and Fortinet solution knowledge and experience. You are not allowed to bring reference materials into the exam room. Refer to the public handbook for more information about the exam.
Name: NSE 8 - Network Security Expert 8 Written Exam
Exam series: NSE8_812
Available worldwide at: Pearson VUE Test Centers and OnVUE
Number of questions: 60
Time allowed to complete: 120 minutes
Scoring method: Answers must be 100% correct for credit. No partiacredit or deduction for incorrect answers. You wilreceive a document containing a pass or fairesult and an indication of your performance for each exam section.
Time required between exam retakes: 15 days
Retesting: You cannot retest with an exam version you have already passed.
Scheduling your exam for recertification: Take note of your certification expiry date. If you are NSE 8 certified and are scheduling the written exam to renew your certification, ensure that you schedule the exam no more than six months before the expiration date of your current certification.

About Fortinet NSE 8 NSE8_812: Fortinet NSE 8 - Written Exam Questions 

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