
Network Appliance NetApp Certified Support Engineer (NCSE) NS0-194

Product Description

Exam Code:NS0-194

Exam Name:NetApp Certified Support Engineer

Q&A:60 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Gear up for success in the NS0-194: NetApp Certified Support Engineer exam with ExamGood's comprehensive study resources. Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in NetApp support.

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ExamGood NS0-194 Exam Features
NS0-194: NetApp Certified Support Engineer


NetApp Certified Support Engineer
You have proven support skills with NetApp ONTAP and have experience supporting NetApp storage solutions. You are also able to perform general troubleshooting, root cause analysis, hardware replacement, system configuration, and software and firmware upgrades for NetApp storage solutions.
NCSE logos and certificates will be granted to those individuals who successfully pass the NetApp Certified Support Engineer (NS0-194) exam.


Candidates for NetApp Certified Support Engineer (NCSE) certification should have at least 6 to 12 months of experience with NetApp® solutions and technology, including on-site and remote support, general troubleshooting and root cause isolation, hardware replacement, documentation, node configuration, and software and firmware upgrades.
Recommended training and resources:
ONTAP Cluster Fundamentals (WBT)
ONTAP SAN Fundamentals (WBT)
ONTAP Data Protection Fundamentals (WBT)
ONTAP NAS Fundamentals (WBT)
Introduction to NetApp Storage System Basic Components (WBT)
Introduction to Clustered Data ONTAP Architecture (WBT)
Introduction to Aggregates and FlexVols in Clustered Data ONTAP (WBT)
Introduction to Networking in Clustered Data ONTAP (WBT)
Introduction to High-Availability in Clustered Data ONTAP (WBT)
Introduction to Data Protection in Clustered Data ONTAP (WBT)
Introduction to NFS in Clustered Data ONTAP (WBT)
Introduction to CIFS in Clustered Data ONTAP (WBT)
Introduction to WAFL and Snapshot in Clustered Data ONTAP (WBT)
Introduction to SAN in Clustered Data ONTAP (WBT)
Introduction to Storage System Monitoring and Manageability (WBT)
Introduction to Quotas in Clustered Data ONTAP (WBT)
Introduction to Clustered Data ONTAP Basic Troubleshooting (WBT)
Introduction to Name Services in Clustered Data ONTAP (WBT)
Introduction to Multi-Protocol Troubleshooting in Clustered Data ONTAP (WBT)
Introduction to Virtualization in ONTAP (WBT)
Introduction to Performance in ONTAP (WBT)
ONTAP Data Protection Administration (ILT)
ONTAP Troubleshooting (ILT)
ONTAP Cluster Administration (ILT)  
NetApp Cloud Data Services Fundamentals
ONTAP Data Management Fundamentals   


The NS0-194 exam includes 60 test questions, with an allotted time of 1-1/2 hours to complete. In countries where English is not the native language, candidates for whom English is not their first language will be granted a 30-minute extension to the allotted examination completion time.
Your results will be available in CertCenter two (2) to five (5) business days after you complete your exam.
The NCSE ONTAP (NS0-194) exam includes the following topics:
Describe disk or aggregate concepts  
Describe volume concepts
Describe ONTAP networking concepts
Describe how ONTAP interacts with external components
Identify ONTAP logging mechanisms
Describe supported ONTAP protocols
Troubleshooting NetApp hardware and software      
Demonstrate knowledge of how to collect and analyze information
Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot data access problems
Demonstrate knowledge of how to analyze performance
NetApp hardware      
Identify the FRUs in a NetApp system
Demonstrate knowledge of the hardware replacement process
Describe storage hardware technology
Describe compute technology
NetApp cloud data services       
Identify the components of cloud data services
Identify the components of a hybrid cloud solution
Data protection       
Identify data protection concepts
Demonstrate knowledge of data protection operations
Active IQ          
Describe how to use Active IQ

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