FSMTB Massage Therapy Licensure MBLEx

Product Description

Exam Code:MBLEx

Exam Name:Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination

Q&A:251 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood offers comprehensive preparation materials for the Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination (MBLEx), a crucial test for individuals aspiring to become licensed massage therapists in the United States. The MBLEx assesses candidates' knowledge and understanding of various massage and bodywork techniques, ethics, laws, and regulations relevant to the massage therapy profession.

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MBLEx PDF Version Demo

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 PDF(Printable Version) $98.00 $ 48.00
Testing Engine(Software Version) $20.00 $10.00
Total     $98.00 $48.00
ExamGood MBLEx Exam Features

Taking the Exam

The MBLEx is given every day throughout the year at testing centers in the United States and US territories. After you get approval to take the test and receive an Authorization to Test (ATT) by email, you need to use that information to sign up for the test date and location you prefer. 
Candidates are given a two-hour window to complete a 100-item, multiple-choice examination on a computer. Within this timeframe, five minutes are allocated to a security and confidentiality agreement and another five minutes are allocated to a brief survey. Failure to complete the MBLEx within the allotted time will result in an automatic failure without a diagnostic report being generated. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with FSMTB's security policies. You can watch the exam security video provided below with confidence.

Weather and Test Centers

If you are scheduled to take the MBLEx and the test center is closed due to inclement weather, your appointment will be rescheduled. If the test center is open, you are expected to attend your appointment as scheduled. You may reschedule for a fee if done more than three days before the initial appointment, otherwise, it will be recorded as a "no-show" and all fees forfeited.

Exam Content Development

The Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination (MBLEx) is developed with input from the regulatory community and testing professionals to ensure it includes various forms of massage and bodywork practiced in the United States. A Job Task Analysis (JTA) is conducted every five to seven years to ensure the exam reflects current practice.

FSMTB Job Task Analysis

The MBLEx exam content is validated by a Job Task Analysis conducted by the FSMTB, which involves over 5000 massage therapy professionals to ensure that the exam tests entry level practitioners on current practice content.

Advantages of Examgood MBLEx Exam Preparation

The Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination (MBLEx) is a crucial step for individuals aspiring to become licensed massage therapists. Preparing for this exam can be a daunting task, but with Examgood's MBLEx Exam preparation, candidates can gain a competitive edge and boost their chances of success. 
Instant Download:
Time is of the essence when preparing for the MBLEx Exam. Examgood understands this, and that's why they provide instant download access to study materials immediately after purchase. As soon as candidates complete the payment process, they can access the study materials without any delays or waiting periods. This feature allows candidates to begin their preparation right away, enabling them to make the most of their study time efficiently.
PDF and ICE Software Versions:
Different candidates have varying preferences when it comes to study formats. Examgood recognizes this and offers two convenient options: PDF and ICE Software versions. The PDF format is ideal for those who prefer traditional studying methods and want to print the materials or study offline. On the other hand, the ICE Software version provides an interactive learning experience with advanced features like practice exams, simulations, and progress tracking. This flexibility caters to a diverse range of learning styles, ensuring that every candidate can find a study format that suits their needs.
Free 1-Year Updates:
Staying up-to-date with the latest exam content and changes is essential for exam success. Examgood takes this into consideration and offers free 1-year updates to all candidates who purchase their MBLEx Exam preparation materials. As the MBLEx Exam content evolves over time, candidates can rest assured that they will have access to the most current and relevant study materials. This feature enables candidates to align their preparation with the latest exam requirements, increasing their chances of achieving a high score.
Pass Guarantee Refund:
Examgood's commitment to the success of their candidates is further exemplified by their pass guarantee refund policy. They are confident in the quality and effectiveness of their study materials, which is why they offer a pass guarantee. If a candidate fails the MBLEx Exam after using Examgood's preparation materials, they may be eligible for a refund. This policy not only instills trust in their products but also motivates candidates to put in their best effort during their exam preparation.
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