
Microsoft Microsoft Certified: Customer Data Platform Specialty MB-260

Product Description

Exam Code:MB-260

Exam Name:Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights (Data) Specialist

Q&A:123 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Enhance your prospects as a Microsoft Customer Data Platform Specialist with ExamGood's resources for the MB-260 Exam. We offer comprehensive study materials and a success guarantee to help you achieve your certification goals in CDP specialization.

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ExamGood MB-260 Exam Features
Exam MB-260: Microsoft Customer Data Platform Specialist
As a candidate for the exam, you focus on implementing solutions that offer customer profile insights and track engagement activities to enhance customer experiences and boost customer retention.
You should have firsthand experience with:
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights and one or more additional Dynamics 365 apps
Microsoft Power Query
Microsoft Dataverse
Common Data Model
Microsoft Power Platform
You should also have direct experience with practices related to:
Responsible AI
Data retention policy
As a candidate, you need experience with processes related to KPIs, data retention, validation, visualization, preparation, matching, fragmentation, segmentation, and enhancement. You should have a general understanding of:
Azure Machine Learning
Azure Synapse Analytics
Azure Data Factory
Starting from October 19, 2023, the exam will be renamed to Exam MB-260: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights (Data) Specialist. The English language version of the exam will be updated on that date, with localized versions updated approximately eight weeks later. The passing score is 700. Additionally, Dynamics 365 Marketing and Customer Insights will be renamed on September 1, 2023, and this change will be reflected in the exam on October 19, 2023.

Schedule exam

Languages: English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), German, French, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), Italian
This document provides information about an exam that measures the ability to design, ingest data, create customer profiles, implement AI predictions, configure measures and segments, configure third-party connections, and administer Customer Insights. The exam price varies based on the country or region. A practice test is available to help prepare for the exam.

Skills measured

The English language version of the exam will be updated on October 19, 2023. Refer to the study guide for information about the skills measured and upcoming changes.
Design Customer Insights solutions (5–10%)
Ingest data into Customer Insights (10–15%)
Create customer profiles through data unification (25–30%)
Implement AI predictions in Customer Insights (5–10%)
Configure measures and segments (15–20%)
Configure third-party connections (10–15%)
Administer Customer Insights (5–10%)


Get started with Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data
Ingest data into Customer Insights - Data
Create a unified customer profile in Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data
Work with Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data
Enrich data and predictions with Customer Insights - Data
Manage external connections with Customer Insights - Data
Configure and administer Customer Insights - Data

Exam resources

ExamGood is a reliable platform that specializes in providing Exam MB-260: Microsoft Customer Data Platform Specialist Exam Questions. With a successful purchase, you gain instant access to download the exam questions. This convenience is further enhanced by the availability of both PDF and software versions of the exam questions.
What sets ExamGood apart is their commitment to keeping their materials up to date. Upon purchase, you are entitled to one year of free updates, ensuring that you have access to the latest content and can stay ahead in your exam preparation.
In the unfortunate scenario where you do not pass the exam, ExamGood has your back. They offer an immediate refund, prioritizing customer satisfaction and providing a risk-free experience.
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