LEED Green Associate

USGBC Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) LEED Green Associate

Product Description

Exam Code:LEED Green Associate

Exam Name:LEED Green Associate Exam

Q&A:305 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


By choosing ExamGood LEED Green Associate Exam Questions, you are investing in a comprehensive study resource that not only helps you prepare for the exam but also ensures that you have the necessary support and resources to achieve success.

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ExamGood LEED-Green-Associate Exam Features

LEED Green Associate

LEED Green Associates have the knowledge and skills to promote and implement green building practices in the workplace and community, making a difference in the world of sustainable design and construction.
The LEED Green Associate certification from the U.S. Green Building Council is valuable for professionals looking to advance their career in the green building industry. The exam measures general knowledge of green building practices and is ideal for those new to sustainability and LEED.
Prep: Review our study materials and access exam prep resources.
Exam: The exam is two hours long and has 100 multiple-choice questions. You have the option to take the exam at a Prometric Testing Center or from home as a remote proctored online exam. 
Maintain: LEED Green Associates must earn 15 continuing education hours within two years of passing their exam. 

Preparing for the exam

The document provides information about the LEED Green Associate certification, including the candidate handbook, study references, sample questions, course catalog, and publications such as the LEED BD+C Reference Guide and the LEED Green Associate Study Bundle.

LEED Green Associate exam formats & procedures

To become a LEED Green Associate, the exam fee is $250 ($100 for students, $200 for USGBC members). There are no prerequisites or eligibility requirements. The exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions and can be taken at a Prometric Testing Center or remotely. Translation aids are available in multiple languages. A passing score is 170 out of 200, and rescheduling and cancellations are permitted up to 3 days prior to the exam with possible fees.

Earn continuing education for credential maintenance

LEED Green Associates must earn 15 continuing education hours within 2 years of earning their credential. You can earn hours through education, project experience, authorship, and volunteering. Access online courses and events hosted by USGBC communities to fulfill continuing education requirements.

Exam Study Guide

ExamGood offers LEED Green Associate Exam Questions for purchase. These comprehensive and high-quality exam questions are designed to help you prepare effectively for the LEED Green Associate exam.
Upon successful purchase, you can immediately download the questions in PDF and software versions. This allows you to conveniently access the study materials on your preferred device and study at your own pace.
The material provided by ExamGood is regularly updated to ensure that you have access to the most up-to-date study materials. With one year of free updates, you can stay informed about any changes or additions to the exam content.
One of the standout features of ExamGood is their commitment to customer satisfaction. In the unfortunate event that you do not pass the LEED Green Associate exam, ExamGood provides a refund policy. You can request a refund and get your money back, demonstrating ExamGood's confidence in the effectiveness of their exam questions and their dedication to your success.
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