
Juniper JNCIP-SEC JN0-636

Product Description

Exam Code:JN0-636

Exam Name:Security,Professional (JNCIP-SEC)

Q&A:115 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Elevate your JNCIP-SEC certification journey with ExamGood's JN0-636 exam questions. Instant download, PDF and software versions available, one-year free updates, and a fail-safe refund policy.

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ExamGood JN0-636 Exam Features

JN0-636: Security,Professional (JNCIP-SEC)

The JNCIP-SEC certification from Juniper Networks focuses on security technology and Junos OS software for SRX Series devices. This professional-level certification is for networking professionals with advanced knowledge of Junos OS for SRX Series devices. The written exam tests understanding of advanced security technologies, platform configuration, and troubleshooting skills.
This track contains four certifications:
JNCIA-SEC: Security, Associate.
JNCIS-SEC: Security, Specialist.
JNCIP-SEC: Security, Professional.
JNCIE-SEC: Security, Expert.

Exam Preparation

We recommend the following resources to help you prepare for your exam. However, these resources aren't required, and using them doesn't guarantee you'll pass the exam.
For JNCIP-SEC certification, recommended training includes "Advanced Juniper Security". Exam resources include industry/product knowledge and the Juniper TechLibrary. Additional preparation can be done through the Juniper Learning Portal.

Exam Objectives

Here’s a high-level view of the skillset required to successfully complete the JNCIP-SEC certification exam.

Exam Details

Exam questions are derived from the recommended training and the exam resources listed above. Pass/fail status is available immediately after taking the exam. The exam is only provided in English.
To obtain the JNCIP-SEC JN0-636 certification from Juniper Networks, the prerequisite certification is JNCIS-SEC. The certification exams can be taken through Pearson VUE. The JNCIP-SEC Certification exam is 90 minutes long and consists of 65 multiple-choice questions. The exam covers Junos OS 22.2 and SD 22.1 software versions. Juniper certifications are valid for three years.

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One-Year Free Updates: Stay current with the latest developments in security. Enjoy complimentary updates for one year, ensuring your JNCIP-SEC exam preparation aligns with industry standards.
Immediate Refund in Case of Exam Failure: Your success is our priority. In the event of exam failure, ExamGood ensures an immediate refund. We stand behind our product and support your pursuit of JN0-636 certification.
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