
Juniper JNCIS-DC JN0-480

Product Description

Exam Code:JN0-480

Exam Name:Data Center, Specialist (JNCIS-DC)

Q&A:65 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Prepare for the JN0-480 exam with ExamGood's expertly crafted study materials. Our Data Center, Specialist (JNCIS-DC) Certification resources ensure a focused and effective preparation for your JN0-480 certification, setting the stage for your success.

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ExamGood JN0-480 Exam Features
The Data Center track enables you to demonstrate competence with data center technologies and related configuration and troubleshooting skills. JNCIS-DC, the Specialist-levecertification in this track, is designed for data center networking professionals with intermediate knowledge of the Juniper Networks Apstra software and data center devices. The written exam verifies your understanding of data center technologies, related platform configuration, and troubleshooting skills.
This track includes four certifications:
JNCIA-DC: Data Center, Associate. 
JNCIS-DC: Data Center, Specialist. 
JNCIP-DC: Data Center, Professional. 
JNCIE-DC: Data Center, Expert. 

Exam Preparation

We recommend the following resources to help you prepare for your exam. However, these resources aren't required, and using them doesn't guarantee you'lpass the exam.
To prepare for the JNCIS-DC certification, it is recommended to take the "Data Center Automation Using Juniper Apstra" training. Additionaresources include the Juniper TechLibrary and industry/product knowledge. Further preparation can be done through the Juniper Learning Portal.

Exam Details

Exam questions are derived from the recommended training and the exam resources listed above. The exam is only provided in English.
The JNCIS-DC certification from Juniper Networks requires the prerequisite certification of JNCIA-DC. The exam (JN0-480) is 90 minutes long and consists of 65 multiple-choice questions. The software versions covered in the exam include Apstra 4.0.2 and Junos 21.2.

Latest JN0-480: Data Center, Specialist (JNCIS-DC) Exam Materia

ExamGood offers JN0-480: Data Center, Specialist (JNCIS-DC) Exam Questions with the following features:
Instant download after successful purchase, no waiting required. You don't have to waste time waiting for the materials to be delivered to you. As soon as your purchase is successful, you can immediately download the exam questions and start preparing for your JN0-480 exam.
Provides both PDF and software versions. The PDF version allows you to conveniently print out the questions and study them offline. On the other hand, the software version can be installed on any device without any limitations. 
One year of free updates. We believe in providing our customers with the most up-to-date and relevant exam questions. And if you want even more updates, you have the option to pay an additional $10 for two years of updates.
If you fail the exam, submit your score report and receive an immediate refund. We understand that preparing for an exam can be a challenging and stressful process. That's why we offer a guarantee that if you unfortunately faiyour JN0-480 exam, you can submit your score report to us and we will provide you with an immediate refund. 
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