
Juniper JNCIS-Cloud JN0-413

Product Description

Exam Code:JN0-413

Exam Name:Cloud, Specialist (JNCIS-Cloud)

Q&A:65 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Prepare thoroughly for success in the Juniper JNCIS-Cloud JN0-413 Exam with ExamGood's carefully curated study materials. Enhance your skills and confidently approach the exam to achieve your certification goals.

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ExamGood JN0-413 Exam Features
Juniper Networks will end of life the Cloud, Professional and Cloud, Expert certifications and their corresponding exams on June 30, 2023. The JNCIS-Cloud certification is a specialist-level certification in cloud networking architectures, verifying understanding of software-defined networking principles and technologies, and is based on Contrail 23.1.
This track includes two certifications:
JNCIA-Cloud: Cloud, Associate.
JNCIS-Cloud: Cloud, Specialist.

Exam Preparation

For the JNCIS-Cloud Certification from Juniper Networks, recommended training includes "Implementing Cloud-Native Contrail Networking," while additional preparation can be found on the Juniper Learning Portal. Exam resources include industry/product knowledge and the Juniper TechLibrary.

Exam Objectives

Here's a view of the skillset required to successfully complete the JNCIS-Cloud certification exam.
The JNCIS-Cloud Certification exam covers Cloud-Native Contrail Networking Fundamentals, CN2 Namespaces, Services, Virtual Networks, Virtual Network Routing, Network Policies, and Analytics. Topics include identifying concepts, operations, and functionalities, as well as configuring, monitoring, and troubleshooting.

Exam Details

Exam questions are derived from the recommended training and the exam resources listed above. Pass/fail status is available immediately after taking the exam. The exam is only provided in English.
The JNCIS-Cloud certification exam (JN0-413) requires JNCIA-Cloud as a prerequisite and covers 65 multiple-choice questions in 90 minutes. The exam focuses on Contrail 23.1 software version and can be taken through Pearson VUE. Juniper certifications are valid for three years.

Benefits of Purchasing Juniper JNCIS-Cloud JN0-413 Exam from ExamGood Website

Acquiring a certification in network security or cloud computing is crucial for career development. Juniper JNCIS-Cloud JN0-413 exam is a professional certification in the field of cloud computing and SDN technology. The candidates are required to demonstrate their expertise in various aspects of networking and cloud computing technologies, SDN, and NFV.
The following are the benefits of purchasing Juniper JNCIS-Cloud JN0-413 exam from ExamGood Website:
Immediate Download
Upon successful purchase, you will immediately receive study materials for Juniper JNCIS-Cloud JN0-413 exam. This will enable you to start studying right away and have sufficient time to prepare before the exam.
PDF and Software Versions Provided
ExamGood Website provides study materials in both PDF and software versions to meet the learning requirements of different candidates. You can study anytime, anywhere on your computer, phone, or tablet.
One Year Free Updates
The content and format of Juniper JNCIS-Cloud JN0-413 exam changes over time. By purchasing study materials from ExamGood Website, you can avail one year of free updates to ensure you are always up-to-date with the latest exam content and format.
Exam Failure Refund Guarantee
ExamGood Website has great confidence in the quality of its study materials. If the Juniper JNCIS-Cloud JN0-413 exam study material you purchased fails to help you pass the exam on the first attempt, ExamGood will immediately refund your money.
Purchasing Juniper JNCIS-Cloud JN0-413 exam study materials from ExamGood Website will be the key to your exam success. Take action now and boost your career development!
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