
Juniper JNCIS-SP JN0-363

Product Description

Exam Code:JN0-363

Exam Name:Service Provider Routing and Switching, Specialist (JNCIS-SP)

Q&A:82 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood JN0-363 certification training exam material including the examination question and the answer, complete by our senior IT lecturers and the JNCIS-SP product experts, included the current newest JN0-363 examination questions.

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ExamGood JN0-363 Exam Features
JN0-363: Service Provider Routing and Switching, Specialist (JNCIS-SP)
The JNCIS-SP certification from Juniper Networks verifies a professional's beginner to intermediate knowledge of routing and switching implementations in Junos. It demonstrates a thorough understanding of networking technology, particularly Juniper Networks service provider routing and switching platforms.
This track contains four certifications:
JNCIA-Junos: Junos, Associate.
JNCIS-SP: Service Provider Routing and Switching, Specialist.
JNCIP-SP: Service Provider Routing and Switching, Professional.
JNCIE-SP: Service Provider Routing and Switching, Expert.

Exam Preparation

We recommend the following resources to help you prepare for your exam. However, these resources aren't required, and using them doesn't guarantee you'll pass the exam.
For the JNCIS-SP Certification by Juniper Networks, recommended training includes Junos Intermediate Routing, Junos Service Provider Switching, and Junos MPLS Fundamentals. Exam resources include industry/product knowledge and the Juniper TechLibrary. Additional preparation can be found on the Juniper Learning Portal.

Exam Objectives

Here’s a high-level view of the skillset required to successfully complete the JNCIS-SP certification exam.

Exam Details

Exam questions are derived from the recommended training and the exam resources listed above. Pass/fail status is available immediately after taking the exam. The exam is only provided in English.
The JNCIS-SP Certification exam, code JN0-363, requires a prerequisite JNCIA-Junos certification. It is delivered by Pearson VUE, lasts 90 minutes, and consists of 65 multiple-choice questions. The exam is based on Junos OS 21.2.

Advantages of ExamGood Juniper JNCIS-SP JN0-363 Exam Questions

Immediate Access Post-Purchase: Immediately after purchasing, you gain access to the JN0-363: Service Provider Routing and Switching, Specialist (JNCIS-SP) exam questions from ExamGood. There's no need to wait. After a successful transaction, you can download the exam questions directly from your member section. Simply go to "my orders" and begin your preparation without any delay.
Both PDF and Software Versions Available: The JN0-363: Service Provider Routing and Switching, Specialist (JNCIS-SP) exam questions from ExamGood are provided in both PDF and software formats, catering to the user's needs. Those who prefer a physical copy can print the PDF version. On the other hand, the software version can be used on any device, facilitating a versatile study experience.
One Year of Free Updates: ExamGood's JN0-363: Service Provider Routing and Switching, Specialist (JNCIS-SP) Exam Questions come with one year of complimentary updates. If there are any changes or updates to the exam materials, you will receive these at no additional cost for one year post-purchase. For an extra $10, you can extend these updates to two years, ensuring you always have the most current and relevant Juniper JNCIS-SP JN0-363 exam materials.
Guaranteed Refund in Case of Failure: In the event that a user fails the JN0-363: Service Provider Routing and Switching, Specialist (JNCIS-SP) exam, ExamGood has a policy of issuing a full refund. A sent score report is all that is required for an immediate refund, showcasing the company's trust in its resources.
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JN0-363 Exam Passed with Dedication!

ExamGood JN0-363 exam materials exceeded my expectations. The study guide was well-structured, and the practice questions were a great way to solidify my knowledge.
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