
Juniper JNCIS-SEC JN0-335

Product Description

Exam Code:JN0-335

Exam Name:Security, Specialist (JNCIS-SEC)

Q&A:98 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Ace your Juniper Security, Specialist JNCIS-SEC JN0-335 Exam with ExamGood's comprehensive study materials. Prepare effectively for success.

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ExamGood JN0-335 Exam Features
Juniper Security, Specialist JNCIS-SEC JN0-335 Exam
The JNCIS-SEC certification from Juniper Networks is designed for networking professionals with intermediate knowledge of Junos OS for SRX Series devices. The certification verifies understanding of security technologies and related platform configuration and troubleshooting skills.
This track contains four certifications:
JNCIA-SEC (JN0-231): Security, Associate.
JNCIS-SEC: Security, Specialist.
JNCIP-SEC (JN0-636): Security, Professional.
JNCIE-SEC (JPR-934): Security, Expert.

Exam Preparation

Juniper Networks recommends training in Juniper Security for JNCIS-SEC certification exam preparation, but it is not required. Industry/product knowledge and the Juniper TechLibrary are also useful resources.

Exam Objectives

The JNCIS-Sec certification exam requires a specific skillset, which is outlined in this article from Juniper Networks US.
The JNCIS-SEC certification exam covers various topics such as application security, security policies, advanced threat prevention, high availability clustering, virtualized security using vSRX or cSRX, Juniper Identity Management Service (JIMS), SSL proxy, and Juniper Networks JSA Series Secure Analytics Portfolio. The exam tests the candidate's knowledge of identifying concepts, configuring, monitoring, or troubleshooting various security features and functionalities.

Exam Details

The JNCIS-SEC certification exam consists of 65 multiple-choice questions and requires a passing score to earn the certification. A prerequisite certification of JNCIA-SEC is required and the exam is only available in English. The exam is based on recommended training and exam resources, and recertification is required periodically.

Choose ExamGood Juniper Security, Specialist JNCIS-SEC JN0-335 Exam Questions

Purchasing the Juniper Security, Specialist JNCIS-SEC JN0-335 Exam from ExamGood website offers several advantages:
Immediate Download upon Successful Purchase: Upon successful payment, you can instantly download the study materials you need. This means you can start your preparation without any delay, saving you valuable time.
Access to PDF and Software Versions: ExamGood provides both PDF and software versions of the exam materials. This flexibility allows you to choose the format that suits your study preferences and needs.
One-Year Free Updates: You'll receive one year of free updates for the purchased materials. This ensures that you have access to the latest study resources, keeping your knowledge up-to-date with any changes or advancements in the exam content.
Money-Back Guarantee in Case of Exam Failure: ExamGood offers a refund policy in case you do not pass the exam after using their materials. This guarantee provides peace of mind and demonstrates their confidence in the effectiveness of their study resources.
In summary, ExamGood's benefits include immediate access, multiple formats, free updates, and a money-back guarantee, making it a convenient and reliable choice for candidates preparing for the Juniper Security, Specialist JNCIS-SEC JN0-335 Exam.
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