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Exam Name:Certification in Risk Management Assurance
Q&A:283 Q&As
Updated: 01-21-2025
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Excel in Risk Management Assurance with ExamGood's IIA-CRMA-ADV Exam. Our comprehensive study materials guide you towards success in mastering Risk Management, ensuring excellence in your Assurance certification.
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ExamGood IIA-CRMA-ADV Exam Features
Experience the CRMA
If you’re already a CIA, why don’t you take that next step and get your Certification in Risk Management Assurance?
CRMA Eligibility Requirements
Find out what steps you need to take before pursuing your CRMA
CRMA Study Materials
Candidates may choose their own method of preparing or practicing for the exam.
CRMA Renewal Requirements
Renewal Requirements for Certification in Risk Management Assurance® (CRMA®)
Access CCMS
The IIA's Certification Candidate Management System (CCMS) is the portal to apply, complete, and maintain your certification program.
Interactive Exam Questions
A demonstration of the potential question types you may see on the CRMA exam.
Elevate risk assurance. Arrive ahead.
As the only risk management assurance certification for internal auditors, The IIA’s Certification in Risk Management Assurance® (CRMA®) program has been updated to reflect the in-depth organizational knowledge and advanced skill sets that are required to provide effective risk management assurance to audit committees and executive management.
Earning the CRMA helps address the impact of risk and demonstrates you have the ability to:
Provide assurance on core business processes in risk management and governance.
Educate management and the audit committee on risk and risk management concepts.
Offer quality assurance and control self-assessment.
Add value for your organization as a trusted advisor.
Why Pursue CRMA?
The CRMA designation increases career-advancing opportunities.
Be the go-to risk management resource for executive management and your audit committee.
As a trusted advisor focusing on strategic organizational risks and providing forward-looking ways to enhance governance, risk management and control processes.
Register for Certification Q&A Session
Prospective and current IIA certification candidates, join us for an informal 30-minute webinar! A certification expert will be available to answer your questions about certification programs, CCMS, and more. Register for the Certification Q&A Webinar to hear from The IIA Certification team and your peers on the best study methods to prepare for IIA exams. IIA exams are non-disclosed, which means that current exam questions and answers will not be published or divulged.
Resources to Help IIA CRMA Certification IIA-CRMA-ADV Exam
ExamGood IIA-CRMA-ADV: Certification in Risk Management Assurance Exam Questions offers a comprehensive solution for individuals preparing for the certification exam.
Instant download: After a successful purchase, you can immediately download the study materials without any waiting time. This allows you to start your preparation right away and save valuable time.
Multiple formats: ExamGood provides both PDF and software versions of the exam questions. The PDF version can be easily printed, allowing you to have a physical copy for convenient studying. The software version can be installed on any device, ensuring flexibility and accessibility.
Free updates: With ExamGood, you will receive one year of free updates for the exam questions. This ensures that you have access to the latest content and can stay up-to-date with any changes in the exam syllabus. Additionally, for a small fee of $10, you can extend the updates for two years, giving you even more value.
Money-back guarantee: In the unfortunate event that you fail the exam, ExamGood offers a refund policy. Simply submit your score report, and you will receive an immediate refund.
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