HCL Software Academy HCLSoftware U Certified Professional HCL-BF-PRO-10

Product Description

Exam Code:HCL-BF-PRO-10

Exam Name:HCLSoftware U Certified Professional-BigFix Platform 10

Q&A:65 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood HCL Software Academy HCL-BF-PRO-10 preparation material provides you everything you will need to take your HCL-BF-PRO-10 certification exam. Download the latest HCLSoftware U Certified Professional-BigFix Platform 10 HCL-BF-PRO-10 certification exam from Examgood.com.

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ExamGood HCL-BF-PRO-10 Exam Features
HCL-BF-PRO-10: HCLSoftware U Certified Professional-BigFix Platform 10


This intermediate level certification exam certifies that the successful candidate has knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to perform planning, installation, upgrade, configuration, management, operations, performance tuning and troubleshooting on HCL BigFix platform v10.x.
The deployment professional is generally self-sufficient and is able to perform most of the tasks involved in the role with limited amount of assistance from peers and vendor support services. The deployment professional efficiently uses product documentation.

Recommended Skills  

BigFix console and WebUI 
BigFix Administration Tool 
Basic knowledge of operating systems 
Intermediate knowledge of networking 
Basic knowledge Directory Servers
Troubleshooting Procedures

Exam Format  

Multiple choice – one correct response out of four choices  
Multiple Response – two or more correct responses out of five or more choices  
Number of questions: 60  
Passing score: 81% (49/60)  
Exam duration: 75 minutes
Unanswered questions are scored as incorrect; there is no penalty for guessing.

Exam Content

This exam guide includes competency areas and weightings for the exam as seen below. This exam covers content specifically for HCL BigFix Platform 10. 

The Benefits of Using ExamGood for Your HCLSoftware U Certified Professional HCL-BF-PRO-10 Exam Preparation

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Full Refund Guarantee: If for any reason you do not pass the HCL-BF-PRO-10: HCLSoftware U Certified Professional-BigFix Platform 10 exam, ExamGood will issue a full refund. All that's required is a sent score report. This policy highlights the company's confidence in its materials and commitment to the success of its users.
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