
Huawei HCIA-5G H35-660

Product Description

Exam Code:H35-660

Exam Name:HCIA-5G V1.0

Q&A:143 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Get prepared for the Huawei H35-660: HCIA-5G V2.0 Exam with ExamGood. We provide comprehensive H35-660 study materials and practice tests to help you succeed.

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ExamGood H35-660 Exam Features

HCIA-5G: Huawei Certified ICT Associate-5G

With the rapid development of ICT technologies, the 5G era will bring a fully connected, intelligent world. Therefore, the ICT industry and market need a group of professionals who understand 5G and can wield the strength of 5G. Huawei HCIA-5G certification is intended for ICT industry practitioners, non-O&M personnel of operators, and students from universities. It aims to cultivate talents who are engaged in business transformation, application transformation, and solution design and application in the ICT industry in the 5G era.

Capabilities to be certified

Have a systematic understanding and grasp of knowledge and skills in 5G development and evolution, 5G network architecture and key technologies, 5G new technology convergence and innovative applications, 5G basic service capabilities and applications, and 5G industry application solutions, and have the basic capabilities of 5G industry solution design and service marketing, which are required for positions such as industry solution engineer and pre-sales solution engineer.

Knowledge to Learn

The basic knowledge of 5G networks and industry applications, and the basic knowledge and skills required as industry solution engineers and pre-sales solution engineers.

Exam Content

The HCIA-5G V2.0 exam covers 5G development and evolution, 5G network architecture and key technologies, 5G + new technology innovative application, 5G basic service capabilities and applications, and 5G industrial applications and solutions.
Knowledge Content

Exam Guide 

ExamGood is a trusted platform that provides Huawei H35-660: HCIA-5G V2.0 exam questions for purchase. Once you successfully purchase the exam questions, you will be able to download them immediately. The questions are available in both PDF and software versions, giving you flexibility in studying and preparing for the exam.
One of the great advantages of ExamGood is that they offer one year of free updates for the purchased exam questions. This means that if there are any updates or changes to the exam content within one year of your purchase, you will have access to the updated questions without any additional cost. This ensures that you have the most up-to-date and relevant material to study from.
In addition to the free updates, ExamGood also provides a refund policy in case you fail the exam. If, unfortunately, you do not pass the Huawei H35-660: HCIA-5G V2.0 exam, ExamGood will promptly refund your purchase. This demonstrates their commitment to customer satisfaction and their confidence in the quality of their exam questions.
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