
Huawei HCNP-LTE H31-421-ENU

Product Description

Exam Code:H31-421-ENU

Exam Name:HCIP-LTE(Huawei Certified ICT Professional-LTE)

Q&A:82 Q&As

Updated: 02-04-2025


Prepare with confidence for the HCIP-LTE (Huawei Certified ICT Professional-LTE) exam using ExamGood's H31-421-ENU resources. Immediate downloads, versatile formats, and a year of free updates make ExamGood the ideal choice for success in Huawei certification.

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ExamGood H31-421-ENU Exam Features
H31-421-ENU: HCIP-LTE(Huawei Certified ICT Professional-LTE)

Exam Content

HCIP LTE certification validates the skills in network configuration management, problem analysis, and handling for Huawei LTE radio networks. The curriculum covers LTE air interface principles, protocols, hardware specifications, data planning, and operations. Certified engineers can independently perform parameter planning, configuration, routine operations, and troubleshooting for Huawei LTE networks, ensuring stable network operation. LTE air interface principles, LTE protocols and procedures, hardware specifications and networking principles, data planning, and data configuration by running MML/CME commands, operations and troubleshooting of Huawei eNodeBs.
LTE Air Interface    30%
LTE Signaling and Protocols    27%
eNodeB Reconfiguration    13%
LTE Advance Troubleshooting    30%

Exam Overview

Capabilities to be certified: Demonstrate the capabilities of independently performing parameter planning and configuration, routine operations and troubleshooting for Huawei LTE network.
Knowledge to Learn: Network configuration management and problem analysis and handling for Huawei LTE radio networks, aiming at standardizing professionaskills in LTE radio network O&M.

Target Audience

Those who are to take the HCIP - LTE Certificate Exam
Those who hope to learn about detailed LTE principles and Huawei LTE equipment

Exam Objectives

On completion of this program, the participants wilbe able to:
Understand detailed principle of LTE air interface
Understand functions of different layers in LTE air interface
Perform Operations for HUAWEI LTE eNodeB such as managing eNodeB alarms, tracing signaling, manage eNodeB software, managing real-time monitoring and etc.
Perform eNodeB Advance troubleshooting
Perform initiaconfiguration and reconfiguration of HUAWEI LTE eNodeB
Understand structure of LTE /EPC
Understand functions and procedures of X1/S2 interface
Understand typicaprocedures in LTE such as handovers

Training Content

Choosing ExamGood for your H31-421-ENU exam preparation offers several advantages. Firstly, the convenience of instant download allows you to start studying without any delays. The availability of both PDF and software versions ensures that you can study in a way that suits your preferences. Moreover, the one-year free update policy guarantees that you have access to the latest exam questions, keeping you up to date with any changes in the exam syllabus.
Additionally, ExamGood's money-back guarantee sets them apart from other H31-421-ENU: HCIP-LTE(Huawei Certified ICT Professional-LTE) exam question providers. Knowing that you can get a refund if you don't pass the exam provides reassurance and eliminates any financial risk. With ExamGood, you can focus on your preparation with confidence, knowing that you have chosen a reliable and trustworthy resource.
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Passed HCNP-LTE H31-421-ENU exam test.

Passed HCNP-LTE H31-421-ENU exam test. I have practiced the H31-421-ENU exam questions you offered me so I got good scores for this exam. Thank you.

Passed Huawei HCNP-LTE H31-421-ENU exam.

Passed Huawei HCNP-LTE H31-421-ENU exam. I failed the exam last week so just found your H31-421-ENU exam questions online. Anyway I passed the exam test now.

Cleared my HCNP-LTE H31-421 exam.

Cleared my HCNP-LTE H31-421 exam. Your version is valid and the same as the real test. I passed. Thank you.
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