
Huawei HCNA-Cloud Service H13-811-ENU

Product Description

Exam Code:H13-811-ENU

Exam Name:HCIA-Cloud Service

Q&A:850 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


The ExamGood HCIA-Cloud Service H13-811-ENU exam is designed to assess the candidate's knowledge and skills in cloud computing and related services. It covers topics such as cloud infrastructure, storage, network, security, and application services.

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ExamGood H13-811-ENU Exam Features
HCIA-Cloud Service
Huawei Certified ICT Associate-Cloud Service
Training and certifying engineers to build enterprise IT architectures and effectively use and manage common cloud services like computing, storage, and network.

Certification Procedure

Capabilities to be certified: Have a good command of basic concepts of cloud and cloud service usage. Be able to use and manage cloud services for infrastructure construction
Knowledge to Learn: The basic of cloud, HUAWEI CLOUD compute services, HUAWEI CLOUD network services, HUAWEI CLOUD storage services, HUAWEI CLOUD O&M services, and database & security services

Target Audience

Those who want to be cloud service engineers; Those who want to achieve HCIA-Cloud Service certification; Those who want to learn the operation, management, and maintenance of Huawei's cloud service products

Exam Outline

Huawei Certification HCIA-Cloud Service Certification Exam

HCIA-Cloud Service

Exam Content: The HCIA-Cloud Service V3.5 exam covers cloud basics, compute cloud services, network cloud services, storage cloud services, HUAWEI CLOUD O&M basics, databases, EI, CDN, and security services
Knowledge Content

Recertification Policy

With the advances of technologies, Huawei certification content will be updated and optimized irregularly. Recertification can renew the validity of a certificate, and ensure that certification complies with the latest development trend of technologies.

Success pass HCIA-Cloud Service H13-811-ENU exam 

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