
Huawei HCIE-Storage H13-629

Product Description

Exam Code:H13-629

Exam Name:HCIE-Storage (Written)

Q&A:740 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood professionaprovides latest HCIE-Storage (Written) H13-629 study materials, completely covers H13-629 exam knowledge points. With ExamGood updated H13-629 resources, you wilminimize your HCIE-Storage (Written) cost and be ready to pass your H13-629 exam easy!

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ExamGood H13-629 Exam Features
HCIE-Storage is a Huawei certification program that aims to train and certify experts in storage solutions. The program focuses on developing skills in requirement analysis, planning and design, deployment and implementation, advanced O&M management, and troubleshooting.

Capabilities to be certified

Huawei Talent certification focuses on key technicaprinciples, planning, design, deployment, implementation, advanced O&M management, and troubleshooting of store solutions. It enables individuals to become competent in storage solution expertise, storage architecture, and other related positions.

Knowledge to Learn

The HCIE-Storage certification courses cover topics such as Data Storage Technologies, Data Protection Solutions, Data Migration Solutions, and Data Storage Management and O&M.

Target Audience

People who are interested in pursuing a career in the storage industry and individuals who aspire to achieve the prestigious HCIE-Storage certification should consider this opportunity. This certification is particularly relevant for professionals such as data center storage system architects, ICT professionals, and Huawei channeengineers, among others. By obtaining this certification, individuals can enhance their knowledge and skills in the field of storage, positioning themselves as experts in the industry. This can open up a wide range of career opportunities and pave the way for professionagrowth and success.


Master the knowledge and skills of HCIA and HCIP in the storage domain. At least five years of related working experience is recommended

Exam Content

HCIE-Storage V3.0 exam covers: Data Storage Technologies,Data Protection Solution,Data Protection Solution,Data Storage Management and O&M
Module 1: Data Storage Technologies
1. Flash Storage Technology Presentation
2. Data Protection Technology Presentation
3. Scale-Out Storage Technology Presentation
4. Hyper-Converged Infrastructure Technology Presentation
Module 2: Data Protection Solution
1. Data Protection Basics
2. Backup Solution
3. Active/Standby DR Solution
4. Active-Active DR Solution
5. Geo-Redundant 3DC DR Solution
6. Data Protection Solution Planning and Design
Module 3: Data Migration Solution
1. Data Migration Basics
2. Migration Solution Planning and Design
Module 4: Data Storage Management and O&M
1. Huawei Data Management System
2. Data Storage Management and O&M Practices
3. Storage System Troubleshooting

Recommended HCIE-Storage V3.0 Training 

ExamGood H13-629: HCIE-Storage (Written) Exam Questions
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