
Huawei HCIP-Cloud Computing H13-527-ENU

Product Description

Exam Code:H13-527-ENU

Exam Name:Huawei HCIP Cloud Computing V4.0

Q&A:415 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood offers trusted resources to help you excel in the H13-527-ENU exam, ensuring you're well-prepared for Huawei's HCIP-Cloud Computing certification in cloud solutions.

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ExamGood H13-527-ENU Exam Features
H13-527-ENU: HCIP-Cloud Computing

Huawei Certified ICT Professional-Cloud Computing

The HCIP-Cloud Computing V5.0 course aims to cultivate senior cloud computing operations engineers who are capable of using clouds and senior cloud computing O&M engineers who are capable of managing clouds
HCIP-Cloud Computing
Exam Code: H13-527-ENU
Exam Type: Written examination
Exam Format: Single-answer Question,Multiple-answer Question,True or false,Short Response Item,Drag and Drop Item
Time: 90min
Passing Score/Total Score: 600/1000
Exam Cost: 300USD
Language: Chinese,English

Exam Objectives

On completion of this program, the participants will be able to:
Understand the OpenStack architecture and the working principles and invocation relationships of key OpenStack components.
Understand the HUAWEI CLOUD Stack architecture and the relationship and differences between HUAWEI CLOUD Stack and open-source OpenStack.
Have a good command of the principles and usage of basic IaaS services, such as computing, storage, and network services of HUAWEI CLOUD Stack.
Understand HUAWEI CLOUD Stack operation and O&M concepts, and master HUAWEI CLOUD Stack operation and O&M management methods.

Target Audience

Become cloud computing engineers.
Obtain HCIP-Cloud certificates.
Understand cloud computing product management and maintenance.


To prepare for the H13-527-ENU HCIP-Cloud Computing exam, candidates typically undergo training provided by Huawei or authorized training partners. Hands-on experience with Huawei cloud solutions and services is crucial for success in this certification.
Servers and PC operating systems

ExamGood H13-527-ENU: HCIP-Cloud Computing Exam Questions

The HCIP-Cloud Computing certification is one such credential that can help IT professionals stand out in the crowd. However, passing the certification exam can be a daunting task. This is where ExamGood comes in with their H13-527-ENU: HCIP-Cloud Computing Exam Questions.
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One of the biggest advantages of using ExamGood is the immediate access to study materials. Once you make the purchase, you can instantly download the H13-527-ENU: HCIP-Cloud Computing Exam Questions in both PDF and software versions. This means that you can start preparing for the exam right away without any delay.
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ExamGood also offers a free update for one year on their H13-527-ENU: HCIP-Cloud Computing Exam Questions. This is particularly important as the exam syllabus keeps evolving with technological advancements. With ExamGood, you can be assured that you are studying the most up-to-date materials and not wasting your time on outdated content.
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The fear of failing the exam can be stressful, but ExamGood offers a money-back guarantee in case you don't pass. This policy shows the website's confidence in their study materials and their commitment to their customers' success.
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