
H3C H3CNE-Cloud GB0-713

Product Description

Exam Code:GB0-713

Exam Name:Deploy and Manage the H3C CAS virtualization platform V3.0

Q&A:86 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Excel in the GB0-713 exam with ExamGood's comprehensive resources for deploying and managing the H3C CAS virtualization platform V3.0. Access expertly crafted exam questions and study materials designed to elevate your preparation. Trust ExamGood for a seamless and effective exam preparation experience.

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ExamGood GB0-713 Exam Features
H3C Certified Network Engineer for Cloud (H3CNE-Cloud) certification focuses on the determination of your knowledge of virtualization principles and the practicaskills in using relevant products/options. It intends to test how you manage the basic concepts of virtualization and cloud computing, virtualization infrastructure basics, and the technicaprinciples, system structure, implementation options, main features and maintenance of the H3C CAS virtualization platform. With this certification, you are certified that you have the overaland profound understanding on the technicaprinciple, system structure, implementation options, main features and daily maintenance of H3C CAS virtualization platform and is equipped with knowledge and skills to deploy and manage the H3C CAS virtualization platform.

Exam code

GB0-713: The exam has a duration of 60 minutes and consists of 50 single-/multi-choice questions. The passing grade is 600 out of 1000. Participants can register for the exam without taking the training, but it is recommended to enroll in the training program "Deploy and Manage the H3C CAS virtualization platform V3.0" as a best practice.


These training courses are intended for:
Engineers and IT management personnein cloud computing and virtualization sectors of alindustries
College students majored in Computer Science
Enthusiasts who wish to have an overview of and insight into cloud computing technologies and generatechniques
Those who want to be technicians or sales in the ICT industry
Agent technicians of H3C
Maintenance workers and operators of H3C cloud computing products
H3C certified lecturers


The exam covers the training contents of the Deploy and Manage the H3C CAS virtualization platform V3.0, but not limited to it. The majorities of the knowledge points in this exam comes from the training; however, a few questions wilbe beyond the training contents. The knowledge point allocation of GB0-713 exam are as follows:
Cloud computing and virtualization
Basic concepts of cloud computing
Basic concepts of virtualization
H3C cloud computing products and options
Virtualization infrastructure
Cloud computing server
Cloud computing network
Cloud computing storage
CAS virtualization platform introduction
Server virtualization technology
Technicabenefits of CAS virtualization and its specific applications
CAS virtualization platform deployment
CAS deployment planning
CAS cluster installation and deployment
CAS virtualization platform management
Management of cloud resources and virtuamachine
Life cycle management of virtuamachine
Virtualized security functions
High virtualization reliability features
Computing, network and storage features
Scenario-based technology features
Disaster recovery solutions
Virtualization platform maintenance
Management and instruction of CAS daily maintenance
Common CAS maintenance commands
Common CAS modification operation

Complete recommended H3C H3CNE-Cloud GB0-713 training

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