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Exam Name:ECDL/ICDL Advanced

Q&A:234 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Enhance your digital proficiency with ExamGood's resources for the ECDL-ADVANCED certification. We offer expertly crafted study materials and a success guarantee to ensure your success in this advanced computer skills certification.

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 PDF(Printable Version) $98.00 $ 48.00
Testing Engine(Software Version) $20.00 $10.00
Total     $98.00 $48.00
ExamGood ECDL-ADVANCED Exam Features
ECDL (European Computer Driving License) is an internationally recognized qualification that is accredited by BCS. It is designed for beginner computer users and provides a comprehensive study program to improve computer skills and technical expertise. Upon completion, students receive the Official BCS ECDL certification.

Course Summary

The ECDL Advanced course is a BCS L3 Certificate that offers qualifications in Word Processing, Databases, Spreadsheets, Presentations, and Improving Productivity using IT. It is recommended for individuals with IT knowledge, but prior qualifications are not required.

ECDL Description:

The ECDL (European Computer Driving License) courses are designed to enhance computer skills and knowledge. This globally accredited IT qualification is highly sought after by employers worldwide, increasing employment opportunities. Students can build practical computer skills and earn the ECDL BCS Official accreditation without exams.

Careers and Jobs opportunities with the ECDL

ECDL Advanced is a highly recognized qualification in the workplace, gaining popularity in both public and private sectors. Industries such as healthcare, aviation, and public sector offer job opportunities for certified ECDL candidates in roles like PA/Office, IT Trainer, Bookkeeping, Secretarial, and Financial Auditor.

Available Modules:

The ECDL-Advanced certification offers modules that cover advanced skills in popular software applications. Some of the commonly available modules include:
Advanced Word Processing: This module covers advanced word processing skills, including document formatting, automation, mail merge, and advanced features of word processing software like Microsoft Word.
Advanced Spreadsheets: This module assesses advanced spreadsheet skills, including complex functions, data analysis, and the use of advanced spreadsheet features like pivot tables and macros.
Advanced Database: This module focuses on advanced database skills, such as designing complex databases, managing data relationships, and using advanced database software features.
Advanced Presentation: This module evaluates advanced presentation software skills, including multimedia integration, advanced formatting, and creating interactive presentations.

Exam Preparation:

ExamGood website offers ECDL certification ECDL-ADVANCED Exam Questions. Upon successful purchase, you can immediately download the materials. We provide both PDF and software versions for your convenience. Moreover, you will enjoy one year of free updates to ensure you have the latest content. In addition, we have a hassle-free refund policy. If you happen to fail the exam, we will refund your payment immediately. With ExamGood, you can confidently prepare for your ECDL-ADVANCED exam and have access to high-quality study materials.
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