Snowflake SnowPro Advanced Certification DSA-C02

Product Description

Exam Code:DSA-C02

Exam Name:SnowPro Advanced: Data Scientist Certification Exam

Q&A:65 Q&As

Updated: 02-20-2025


ExamGood Snowflake DSA-C02 preparation material provides you everything you will need to take your DSA-C02 certification exam. Download the latest SnowPro Advanced: Data Scientist Certification Exam DSA-C02 certification exam from Examgood.com

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ExamGood DSA-C02 Exam Features
DSA-C02: SnowPro Advanced: Data Scientist Certification Exam
The SnowPro Advanced: Data Scientist Certification will test advanced knowledge and skills used to apply comprehensive data science principles, tools, and methodologies using Snowflake.


The SnowPro® Advanced: Data Scientist Certification will test advanced knowledge and skills used to apply comprehensive data science principles, tools, and methodologies using Snowflake. This certification will test the ability to: The SnowPro® Advanced Data Scientist - Snowflake involves understanding data science concepts, implementing Snowflake data science best practices, preparing data and feature engineering in Snowflake, training and using machine learning models, using data visualization to present a business case, and implementing model lifecycle management.


2+ years of practical data science experience with Snowflake, in an enterprise environment. In addition, successful candidates may have:
The SnowPro® Advanced Data Scientist role at Snowflake requires a statistical, mathematical, or science education or equivalent work experience, familiarity with programming languages like Python, R, SQL, PySpark, experience with machine learning platforms, understanding of various frameworks and libraries, experience in data preparation, transformation, feature creation for machine learning training, model validation, interpretation, production, monitoring, and data visualization.
Target Audience:
Data Scientists
AI/ML Engineers


Exam Version: DSA-C02
Total Number of Questions: 65
Question Types: Multiple Select, Multiple Choice
Time Limit: 115 minutes
Language: English
Registration fee: $375 USD
Passing Score: 750 + Scaled Scoring from 0 - 1000
Unscored Content: Exams may include unscored items to gather statistical information for future use. These items are not identified on the form and do not impact your score, and additional time is factored into account for this content.
Prerequisites: SnowPro Core Certified
Delivery Options: Online Proctoring and Onsite Testing Centers


This exam guide includes test domains, weightings, and objectives. It is not a comprehensive listing of all the content that will be presented on this examination. The table below lists the main content domains and their weightings.

The Advantages of ExamGood Snowflake SnowPro Advanced Certification DSA-C02 Exam Questions

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Availability of PDF and Software Versions
ExamGood DSA-C02: SnowPro Advanced: Data Scientist Certification Exam Questions are available in both PDF and software versions. This provides flexibility for users according to their preferences. The PDF version can be printed directly for those who prefer hard copies, while the software version can be used on any device without restrictions, allowing for convenient and flexible study.
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ExamGood DSA-C02: SnowPro Advanced: Data Scientist Certification Exam Questions offers one year of free updates. This means that as the exam materials change or get updated, you will receive the updates free of charge for a full year after your purchase. Plus, for an additional $10, you can extend these updates for two years, ensuring that you always have the most current and relevant Snowflake SnowPro Advanced Certification DSA-C02 exam materials.
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ExamGood DSA-C02: SnowPro Advanced: Data Scientist Certification Exam Questions stands by the quality of its materials with a full refund policy. If unfortunately, you do not pass your exam, you can send your score report and receive an immediate refund. This provides a safety net for users and demonstrates the company's confidence.
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