
CWAP CWAP (Wi-Fi Analysis) CWAP-404

Product Description

Exam Code:CWAP-404

Exam Name:Certified Wireless Analysis Professional

Q&A:60 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Get ready to excel in the CWAP-404 certification exam with ExamGood's comprehensive study materials and support.

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ExamGood CWAP-404 Exam Features
Certified Wireless Analysis Professional CWAP-404 Exam
Current version: CWAP-404 released in September 2021
Next scheduled update: CWAP-405 releasing in September 2024
The Certified Wireless Analysis Professional (CWAP) certification is designed for individuals skilled in analyzing and troubleshooting wireless LANs. It offers an opportunity to advance in your career by measuring your skills in operation and frame exchanges, protocol and spectrum analyses, and MAC layer frame formats. Passing the CWAP exam also earns credit towards the Certified Wireless Network Expert (CWNE) certification.

Objectives Introduction 

When you pass the CWAP exam and hold a valid CWNA certification, you earn the CWAP certification and credits towards the CWNE certification should you choose to pursue it. The Certified Wireless Analysis Professional (CWAP) is responsible for the capture and analysis of data related to Wireless LANs following troubleshooting principles and methodologies. This professional has an in-depth understanding of protocols, frame exchanges, and standards at the Physical layer and MAC sublayer. A CWAP is proficient in the use of spectrum and protocol analysis tools. The skills and knowledge measured by this examination are derived from a Job Task Analysis (JTA) involving wireless networking experts (CWNEs) and professionals. The results of this JTA were used in weighing the subject areas and ensuring that the weighting is representative of the relative importance of the content.

Exam Topics

The following table provides the breakdown of the exam as to the distribution of questions within each knowledge domain.

The main subject areas covered by CWAP

802.11 Physical (PHY) Layer Frame Formats and Technologies
802.11 MAC Layer Frame Formats and Technologies
802.11 Operation and Frame Exchanges
Spectrum Analysis and Troubleshooting
Protocol Analysis and Troubleshooting

CWAP Exam Summary

CWAP (Certified Wireless Analysis Professional) is a certification that equips individuals with the skills to analyze, troubleshoot, and optimize enterprise Wi-Fi networks. The exam, CWAP-404, costs $349.99 and is available at Pearson Vue Testing Centers. It has a duration of 90 minutes and consists of 60 multiple choice/multiple answer questions.

CWAP Exam Guide

ExamGood is a trusted provider of Certified Wireless Analysis Professional (CWAP-404) Exam Questions. Once you make a successful purchase, you will have the option to download the questions immediately. ExamGood offers both PDF and software versions of the exam questions, ensuring compatibility with your preferred study method.
Additionally, ExamGood values your continuous learning journey. That's why they provide free updates for one year. You can stay up-to-date with the latest changes and advancements in the field of wireless analysis.
In the unfortunate event of exam failure, ExamGood has you covered. They understand the importance of your investment and offer a prompt refund to ensure your satisfaction.
Choose ExamGood for your CWAP-404 exam preparation and experience reliable and comprehensive study materials that will help you succeed.
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