AHIMA Documentation Integrity Practitioner (CDI) CDIP

Product Description

Exam Code:CDIP

Exam Name:Certified Documentation Integrity Practitioner

Q&A:140 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Prepare for the CDIP: Certified Documentation Integrity Practitioner (CDIP®) exam with ExamGood. Get access to comprehensive study materials, practice questions, and expert guidance to pass the CDIP certification.

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ExamGood CDIP Exam Features

CDIP: Certified Documentation Integrity Practitioner (CDIP®)

Organizations value clinical documentation integrity (CDI) competencies in health information professionals, nurses, and physicians. Individuals earning the CDIP credential demonstrate expertise in clinical documentation within patient health records. Both employers and colleagues view CDIP holders as role models within the broader health information community. 
Online Proctored Exam Now Available
Candidates will now have the choice to take their certification exam at a Pearson VUE authorized test center, or online with OnVUE in the comfort of their home.

Eligibility Requirements

To sit for the CDIP® examination, candidates must meet one of the following eligibility requirements: hold an associate's degree or higher, or hold a CCS, CCS-P, RHIT, or RHIA credential. Recommended qualifications include a minimum of two years of clinical documentation integrity experience, an associate's degree or higher in a healthcare or allied healthcare discipline, and completion of coursework in medical terminology, human anatomy and physiology, pathology, and pharmacology.

Be Prepared for the Exam

Our optional Certified Documentation Integrity Practitioner (CDIP®) Preparation Course guides you through the content that you may see on the certification exam. Dive into the five online lessons at your own pace in the evening, during your lunch hour, or whenever you prefer to study. At the end, take a quick practice exam to gauge whether you’re ready for the test.

Exam Specifications 

The CDIP® is a timed exam. Candidates have three hours to complete the exam. The total number of questions on the exam is 140. There are 106 scored items and 34 pretest items. The exam is given in a computer-based format.  
AHIMA exams contain a variety of questions or item types that require you to use your knowledge, skills, and/or experience to select the best answer. Each exam includes scored questions and pretest questions randomly distributed throughout the exam. Pretest questions are for data collection purpose and they do not count towards candidate's score. 
The passing score for the CDIP is 300. 
Competencies for CDIPs fall into domains. Each domain accounts for a specific percentage of the total questions on the certification exam. See the Exam Content Outline for greater detail.

Exam Content

Domain 1 – Clinical Coding Practice (15-18%)
Domain 2 – Education and Leadership Development (21-26%)
Domain 3 – Record Review & Document Clarification (27-33%)
Domain 4 – CDI Metrics & Statistics (8-11%)
Domain 5 – Compliance (18-23%)

Exam Material

ExamGood is a reputable provider of CDIP: Certified Documentation Integrity Practitioner (CDIP®) Exam Questions. Once you successfully make a purchase, you will be able to download the study materials immediately. ExamGood offers both PDF and software versions of the CDIP exam questions, ensuring flexibility in your study approach.
What sets ExamGood apart is their commitment to customer satisfaction. They provide free updates for one year, ensuring that you have access to the most up-to-date materials. This demonstrates their dedication to helping you succeed in your certification journey.
In the unfortunate event that you do not pass the CDIP exam, ExamGood offers a no-hassle refund policy. You can expect an immediate refund, providing you with peace of mind and reassurance in your investment.
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