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CrowdStrike CCFR CCFR-201

Product Description

Exam Code:CCFR-201

Exam Name:CrowdStrike Certified Falcon Responder

Q&A:60 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Prepare for success in the CrowdStrike CCFR CCFR-201 Exam with ExamGood's expertly crafted study materials. Elevate your cybersecurity career with our comprehensive resources.

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ExamGood CCFR-201 Exam Features
The CrowdStrike Certified Falcon Responder (CCFR) exam assesses a candidate's ability to respond to detections within the CrowdStrike Falcon console. Successful candidates are able to conduct triage, manage detections, perform basic investigations, and conduct proactive hunting across enterprise event data.


To register for the CrowdStrike Certification Exam, all candidates must accept the exam agreement, be at least 18 years old, and purchase an exam voucher. It is recommended to have an active subscription to CrowdStrike University for access to certification-aligned courses and resources. Candidates should have at least six months of experience with CrowdStrike Falcon and be able to read English with sufficient accuracy. Exam scores can be viewed and printed through Pearson VUE.


The CCFR exam is a 90-minute, 60-question assessment for certification. Candidates must achieve a passing score and refrain from misconduct. Retake policies include waiting periods and recommended additional training. Recertification is required every 3 years. Exam challenges can be submitted within 3 days of taking the exam.


CrowdStrike recommends completing CSU LP-R: Incident Responder courses in CrowdStrike University and reviewing Falcon Support Documentation titles on Falcon Management and Endpoint Security to prepare for the CCFR exam.


This document provides a general guideline for the topics likely to be included in the CCFR certification exam, including attack frameworks, detection analysis, event search, hunting analytics, hunting methodology, navigation, reports, and search tools. The document also mentions that the scope of the exam may change at any time without notice.


This document provides information on attack frameworks, detection analysis, event search, hunting analytics, hunting methodology, navigation, reports, and search tools within the Falcon platform. It covers topics such as using MITRE ATT&CK information, interpreting detection data, analyzing process relationships, triaging indicators of compromise, and utilizing search tools for user, IP, and hash searches.

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