
Microsoft Microsoft Certified: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate AZ-801

Product Description

Exam Code:AZ-801

Exam Name:Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services

Q&A:158 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Elevate your career with Microsoft AZ-801 certification. ExamGood offers comprehensive study resources for Windows Server hybrid advanced services. Download our materials now.

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ExamGood AZ-801 Exam Features

Exam AZ-801: Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services

As a candidate for this exam, you’re responsible for configuring and managing Windows Server on-premises, hybrid, and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) platform workloads. As a Windows Server hybrid administrator, you’re tasked with:
Integrating Windows Server environments with Azure services.
Managing Windows Server in on-premises networks.
In this role, you manage and maintain Windows Server IaaS workloads in Azure as welas migrating and deploying workloads to Azure. You typically collaborate with:
Azure administrators
Enterprise architects
Microsoft 365 administrators
Network engineers
As a candidate for this exam, you deploy, package, secure, update, and configure Windows Server workloads using on-premises, hybrid, and cloud technologies. In this role, you implement and manage on-premises and hybrid solutions, such as identity, security, management, compute, networking, storage, monitoring, high availability, and disaster recovery.
You use administrative tools and technologies such as Windows Admin Center, PowerShell, Azure Arc, Azure Policy, Azure Monitor, Azure Automation Update Management, Microsoft Defender for Identity, Microsoft Defender for Cloud, and IaaS virtuamachine (VM) administration.
As a candidate for this exam, you should have severayears of experience with Windows Server operating systems.
The English language version of this exam was updated on August 24, 2023. Review the study guide for details about the latest changes. The passing score is 700. Localized versions of the exam may be updated approximately eight weeks after this date, but there may be exceptions.

Schedule exam

Languages: English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), Korean, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), Chinese (Traditional), Italian
Retirement date: none
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technicatasks: secure Windows Server on-premises and hybrid infrastructures; implement and manage Windows Server high availability; implement disaster recovery; migrate servers and workloads; and monitor and troubleshoot Windows Server environments.
$165 USD

Skills measured

The English language version of this exam was updated on August 24, 2023. Review the study guide linked in the preceding “Tip” box for details about the skills measured and latest changes.
Secure Windows Server on-premises and hybrid infrastructures (25–30%)
Implement and manage Windows Server high availability (10–15%)
Implement disaster recovery (10–15%)
Migrate servers and workloads (20–25%)
Monitor and troubleshoot Windows Server environments (20–25%)

Exam prepare

Secure Windows Server on-premises and hybrid infrastructures
Implement Windows Server high availability
Implement disaster recovery in Windows Server on-premises and hybrid environments
Migrate servers and workloads in on-premises and hybrid environments
Monitor and troubleshoot Windows Server environments

Exam resources

ExamGood Exam AZ-801: Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services exam Questions
Comprehensive Study Materials: Our ExamGood Exam AZ-801 study materials are carefully crafted to help you prepare for your exam effectively. You'lfind a wide range of practice questions and detailed explanations to reinforce your understanding.
One Year of Free Updates: Your purchase comes with the added benefit of one year of free updates. This ensures that you stay current with any changes or developments in the exam content.
Instant Access: Once you've completed your purchase, you can instantly download the study materials in both PDF and software versions. This means you can start your exam preparation without any delays.
Money-Back Guarantee: We understand that exams can be challenging. If you don't pass your exam despite using our AZ-801 study materials, we offer a prompt refund to ensure your satisfaction.
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