SnowPro SnowPro Advanced: Architect ARA-R01

Product Description

Exam Code:ARA-R01

Exam Name:SnowPro Advanced: Architect Recertification Exam

Q&A:168 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Prepare for success in the SnowPro Advanced Architect Recertification Exam (ARA-R01) with ExamGood's reliable study resources.

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ExamGood ARA-R01 Exam Features
The SnowPro Advanced: Architect Certification will test advanced knowledge and skills used to to apply comprehensive architect solutions using Snowflake.


The SnowPro® Advanced: Architect Certification will test advanced knowledge and skills used to apply comprehensive architect solutions using Snowflake. This certification will test the ability to:
Design an end-to-end data flow from source to consumption using the Snowflake's Platform.
Design and deploy a data architecture that meets business, security, and compliance requirements.
Select appropriate Snowflake and third-party tools to optimize architecture performance.
Design and deploy a shared data set using the Snowflake Marketplace and Data Exchange.


2+ years of practical experience with Snowflake as an Architect in a production environment. In these two years, successful candidates would have achieved hands-on expertise with SQL and SQL analytics, experience building out a complex ETL/ELT pipeline, experience implementing security and compliance requirements, and working with different data modeling techniques. Having coding experience outside of SQL and DevOps/DataOps design experience is a plus.
Target Audience:
Solution Architects
Database Architects
System Architects


Exam Version: ARA-C01
Total Number of Questions: 65
Question Types: Multiple Select, Multiple Choice
Time Limit: 115 minutes
Language: English
Registration fee: $375 USD
Passing Score: 750 + Scaled Scoring from 0 - 1000
Unscored Content: Exams may include unscored items to gather statistical information for future use. These items are not identified on the form and do not impact your score, and additional time is factored into account for this content.
Prerequisites: SnowPro Core Certified


This exam guide includes test domains, weightings, and objectives. It is not a comprehensive listing of all the content that will be presented on this examination. The table below lists the main content domains and their weightings.
Domain Domain Weightings on Exams
1.0 Accounts and Security 25-30%
2.0 Snowflake Architecture 25-30%
3.0 Data Engineering 20-25%
4.0 Performance Optimization 20-25%

Snowflake ARA-R01 Learning Material 

ExamGood offers the ARA-R01: SnowPro Advanced: Architect Recertification Exam Questions, focusing on four key points. Firstly, upon successful purchase, you can instantly download the materials without any waiting time. This ensures quick and convenient access to the study materials. Secondly, ExamGood provides both PDF and software versions of the exam questions. The PDF version can be easily printed, while the software version offers flexibility in terms of device usage. Thirdly, with your purchase, you will receive one year of free updates. For an additional fee of $10, you can extend the update period to two years. This ensures that you have access to the most up-to-date content. Lastly, ExamGood offers a money-back guarantee. If you fail the exam and provide the scorecard, you will be eligible for an immediate refund. This guarantee provides peace of mind and demonstrates the confidence that ExamGood has in their product. Choose ExamGood for a comprehensive and reliable exam preparation experience.
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