
API Individual Certification Programs API-510

Product Description

Exam Code:API-510

Exam Name:Pressure Vessel Inspector

Q&A:173 Q&As

Updated: 12-20-2024


ExamGood professional provides latest Pressure Vessel Inspector API-510 study materials, completely covers API-510 exam knowledge points. With our completed API-510 resources, you will minimize your Pressure Vessel Inspector cost and be ready to pass your API-510 exam.

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 PDF(Printable Version) $98.00 $ 48.00
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Total     $98.00 $48.00
ExamGood API-510 Exam Features

API-510: Pressure Vessel Inspector

This exam can now be scheduled either at in-person test centers or through remote proctoring.
Certified API 510 Pressure Vessel inspectors must have a broad knowledge base relating to maintenance, inspection, repair, and alteration of pressure vessels. The API 510 examination is designed to determine if individuals have such knowledge.
This certification program benefits employers and the industry as a whole by helping to:
Improve management control of process unit operation, repair, and maintenance
Reduce the potential for inspection delays
Provide a continued high level of safety through the use of highly specialized and experienced inspectors
API 510 certification is valid for a three-year term and is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). This accreditation ensures that the exam has been developed to the highest standard for openness and integrity and meets the rigorous requirements established under the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 17024.

Studying for the Exam

Publications Effectivity Sheet - Questions on the API 510 exam are derived from the publications listed in this document. Only the specific sections of the publications that are listed on the Effectivity Sheet will be available to your during the open-book portion of the exam. 
API 510 Publications Effectivity Sheet for September 2023 - May 2024 exams
API 510 Publications Effectivity Sheet for September 2024 - May 2025 exams
Body of Knowledge - List of specific topics included in the API 510 exam
API 510 Body of Knowledge for September 2023 - May 2024 exams
API 510 Body of Knowledge for September 2024 - May 2025 exams

Exam Structure

The API 510 exam day is 7.5 hours long - a short tutorial session, 2.75 hours for the closed-book portion, a 45-minute lunch break and 3.75 hours for the open-book portion. 
There are 170 questions on the exam, of which only 140 are scored. The remaining are pretest questions.
Pretest Questions FAQs
There are 110 closed-book questions and 60 open-book questions. 

What Can You Bring Into the Exam

Papers, notes and books are not allowed in Prometric’s computer testing centers.  
PDF documents of pertinent codes and standards will be available on your computer during the open book portion of the exam and will be presented in English. 

Recommend Latest Exam Resources

Recommend customers to use ExamGood API-510: Pressure Vessel Inspector Exam Questions and successfully pass the exam.
Download immediately after purchase: After a successful purchase, you can immediately download your API-510: Pressure Vessel Inspector study materials from your member center, saving you any waiting time. Start preparing for the API-510: Pressure Vessel Inspector exam questions immediately for efficient learning.
Available PDF and software versions: We offer two versions downloadable: PDF version and ice software. Choose a PDF version that allows for direct printing of tangible research materials. Alternatively, unlimited use of ice software versions on any device provides flexibility for your research methods.
One year free update: Stay up-to-date with the latest API-510: Pressure Vessel Inspector exam questions. Enjoy one year of free updates to ensure that your learning materials are consistent with any changes or updates to the API-510 exam outline. By adding $10, extend your update access to two years warranty to ensure ongoing relevance to your exam preparation.
Refund policy after exam failure: Your satisfaction is our top priority. If you fail the exam, please provide your score report and request an immediate refund. Our refund policy ensures a risk-free experience and demonstrates our commitment to supporting you during your API-510 certification.
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