
CertNexus Certified AI Practitioner AIP-210

Product Description

Exam Code:AIP-210

Exam Name:CertNexus Certified Artificial Intelligence Practitioner (CAIP)

Q&A:90 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Excel in the Certified Artificial Intelligence Practitioner™ (AIP-210) Exam with ExamGood. Explore our comprehensive blueprint designed to guide your preparation for the AIP-210 certification. Access top-quality study materials and leverage expert insights to enhance your understanding.

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ExamGood AIP-210 Exam Features

Introduction to CertNexus

CertNexus is a vendor-neutral certification body, providing emerging technology certifications and micro-credentials for business, data, developer, IT, and security professionals. CertNexus’ mission is to assist closing the emerging tech global skills gap while providing individuals with a path towards rewarding careers in Cybersecurity, Data Science, Data Ethics, Internet of Things, and Artificial Intelligence (AI)/ Machine Learning (ML).
We rely on our Subject Matters Experts (SMEs) to provide their industry expertise and help us develop these credentials by participating in a Job Task Analysis, Exam Item Development, and determining the Cut Score. We also depend upon practitioners in the field to participate in a survey of the Job Task Analysis and beta testing to ensure that our certifications validate knowledge and skills relevant to the industry.

Exam Information

A Certified Artificial Intelligence Practitioner™ (CAIP) is a data professional that can implement the power of AI and machine learning to solve business challenges using various modeling techniques. CAIPs can utilize AI to automate processes, reduce costs, drive down completion times, and perform operational tasks that allow humans to perform higher level work. They have advanced knowledge of the engineering features of a dataset to prepare it for use in a machine learning model, the ability to select algorithms and perform model training and model handoff, and an understanding of the ethics and oversight required to create ethical outcomes with AI. Certified AI Practitioners enable organizations to enhance customer experiences and propel innovation to achieve their AI goals.

Exam Prerequisites

There should be no prerequisites for the examination. However, the following background knowledge is recommended:
• Applied mathematics
• Math theory
• Statistical modeling procedures (linear algebra, probability, statistics, multivariate calculus distributions like Poisson, normal, binomial, etc.)
• Programming abilities for ML and statistics (e.g., Python® and R)
• Ensemble learning
• Using algorithmic methods and frameworks (e.g., random forest or XGBoost)
• Proficiency with a querying language
• Strong communication skills
• Demonstrate responsibility based upon ethical implications when sharing data sources
• Familiarity with data visualization
You can obtain this level of skill and knowledge by taking the following courseware, which is available through training providers located around the world, or by attending an equivalent third-party training program:
• Introduction to Programming with Python®
• Python® Programming: Advanced
• Using Data Science Tools in Python®
• Data Wrangling with Python®
• Applied Data Science with Python® and Jupyter®
• Big Data Analysis with Python®
• Certified Ethical Emerging Technologist™ (CEET)
• CertNexus Certified Artificial Intelligence (AI) Practitioner™ (Exam CAIP-210)

Exam Specifications

Number of Items: The exam should comprise 80 scored and 10 trial items with adequate time.
Passing Score: TBA
Duration: 120 minutes (Note: exam time includes 5 minutes for reading and signing the Candidate Agreement and 5 minutes for the Pearson VUE testing system tutorial.)
Exam Options: In person at Pearson VUE test centers or online with Pearson OnVUE online proctoring.
Item Formats: Multiple Choice / Multiple Response
The exam should comprise multiple-choice, single-response items as a default. Other item types may be used if content calls for it. For example, manipulating snippets of code, including SQL; reading data visualizations.

Exam Description

Target Candidate:
This certification exam is designed for practitioners who are seeking to demonstrate a vendorneutral, cross-industry skill set within AI and with a focus on ML that will enable them to design, implement, and hand off an AI solution or environment. Exposure in a professional environment: 1 to 3 years.
Exam Objective Statement:
This exam will certify that the candidate has the knowledge and skill set of AI concepts, technologies, and tools that will enable them to become capable AI practitioners in a wide variety of AI-related job functions.

ExamGood AIP-210 Exam Features

ExamGood AIP-210 certification training exam material including the examination question and the answer, complete by our senior IT lecturers and the Certified AI Practitioner product experts, included the current newest AIP-210 examination questions.
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CertNexus AIP-210 PDF and ice software Exam Dowload. 
ExamGood CertNexus AIP-210 preparation material provides you everything you will need to take your AIP-210 certification exam. CertNexus Certified Artificial Intelligence Practitioner (CAIP) AIP-210 training exam material is in two formats. The PDF format can be read online and printed out. For the Software format you could install it in your device without limited to training by yourself. 

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