
Adobe Adobe Certified Expert AD0-E603

Product Description

Exam Code:AD0-E603

Exam Name:Adobe Journey Optimizer Developer Expert

Q&A:53 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Get ready to excel in the AD0-E603 Adobe Journey Optimizer Developer Expert Exam and enhance your skills. Become a certified Adobe Journey Optimizer Developer Expert by passing the AD0-E603 exam.

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 PDF(Printable Version) $98.00 $ 48.00
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ExamGood AD0-E603 Exam Features
AD0-E603: Adobe Journey Optimizer Developer Expert
Adobe Journey Optimizer Developer Expert (AD0-E603), has been updated. If you have already started studying or are scheduled to take this version, please be sure to complete it before December 22, 2023. 

Exam details

The Adobe Experience Cloud expert certification exam (AD0-E603) is available in English and requires 1-3 years of experience. The passing score is 31/51, and the exam duration is 110 minutes. It is an online proctored exam that requires camera access. The cost is $225 globally and $150 in India.

Intended audience

Data Architect
Data Engineer
Solution Architect
Enterprise Architect
Marketing Automation Developer
CDP Developer
CDP Architect

Minimum experience

You should have at least one year experience working with various CDP and marketing automation systems, and be able to perform the following tasks:
Configuring user permissions
Creating and managing sandboxes
Brand configuration
Understand Schema design concepts
Setting up data sources and data ingestion
Creating segments
Setting up experience events
Creating and managing offers
Create simulations (testing offers)
Creating email, SMS, in app messages and push notifications
Content manipulation and personalization using helper functions
Validating, proofing, and publishing a message
Creating a multi-channel journey
Journey reporting
Testing/validating journeys

Exam objectives and scope

This section provides information on the exam content.
Section 1: Administration and Configuration (17%)
Identify the roles and which permissions apply to each role
Describe how to assign/reset/delete a sandbox
Demonstrate an understanding of Channel Administration
Demonstrate an understanding of Events/Actions/Data Sources
Section 2: Adobe Experience Platform Foundation (33%)
Demonstrate an understanding of Experience Data Model (XDM)
Explain how to set up data sources and data ingestion
Demonstrate an understanding of segmentation service
Explain how to configure schemas for AJO
Determine the behavior of the real-time customer profile on AJO
Section 3: Offer Decisioning (11%)
Demonstrate an understanding of creating and managing offers and components
Demonstrate how to use test profiles to run offer simulation
Section 4: Content Authoring (20%)
Demonstrate an understanding of how to create email, SMS, in app messages and push notifications
Demonstrate an understanding of content manipulation and personalization using helper functions
Demonstrate an understanding of validating, proofing, and publishing a message
Section 5: Journey Orchestration (19%)
Explain the process of creating a multi-channel journey
Identify where to access report dashboards
Demonstrate how to test and validate a journey

How to get certified

These steps take you through the certification process from beginning to end.
 Step 1: Create your account
 Step 2: Prepare for your exam
 Step 3: Schedule & pay for exam
 Step 4: Before and after the exam
 Step 5: Take the exam
 Step 6: Manage your badges

Renewing your certification

ExamGood is a reputable platform that provides AD0-E603: Adobe Journey Optimizer Developer Expert Exam Questions. Once you have successfully completed your purchase, you will have the convenience of instant download for both the PDF and software versions. Additionally, ExamGood ensures that you will receive free updates for an entire year, allowing you to stay up-to-date with the latest Adobe Certified Expert AD0-E603 information. In the unfortunate event that you do not pass the exam, ExamGood offers a no-hassle refund policy, allowing you to receive an immediate reimbursement.
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AD0-E603 Exam Passed with Dedication!

ExamGood Adobe Certified Expert AD0-E603 resources are like the crown jewels of study materials. They didn't just help me pass; they made me feel like study royalty.

AD0-E603 Exam Successfully Tackled!

ExamGood Adobe Certified Expert AD0-E603 study materials are a treasure trove of knowledge. Their comprehensive coverage helped me gain a profound understanding of the subject matter.
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