
Adobe Adobe Analytics AD0-E208

Product Description

Exam Code:AD0-E208

Exam Name:Adobe Analytics Business Practitioner Expert

Q&A:50 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Prepare effectively for the Adobe Analytics AD0-E208 exam with ExamGood's comprehensive study materials. Achieve success in your certification journey.

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ExamGood AD0-E208 Exam Features
Business Practitioner certification | Adobe Experience Cloud
Learn how to become a certified Adobe Analytics Business Practitioner Expert.

Minimum experience    

You should have:
To become a Business Practitioner certified in Adobe Experience Cloud, you need at least 2 years of experience in digital analytics with a marketing background, an in-depth understanding of digital analytics metrics and dimensions, and the ability to translate business requirements into metrics or KPIs. You should also have experience building and interpreting reports, communicating results, and helping clients extract the information they want. Additionally, you should have at least one year of hands-on experience with Adobe Analytics, a basic understanding of how digital analytics filters and structures data, and an awareness of how Adobe Analytics integrates with other Adobe solutions.

Additionally, you should be familiar with the following technologies and environments.  

To become a Business Practitioner certified in Adobe Experience Cloud, you need to be familiar with FTP clients, Adobe Analytics Workspace features, debugging tools, admin consoles, Adobe Launch basics, apps and websites, mobile services UI, Adobe Help Center, and data export options.
Your certification is valid for two years from when you pass. We recommend taking the newer version when possible, because it covers newer product capabilities.
Intended audience:
The Business Practitioner certification for Adobe Experience Cloud is suitable for digital marketers, business analysts, consultants, data analysts, web analysts, media/marketing analysts, product owners/managers, UI analysts, and conversion/optimization specialists.
Exam details:
The Adobe Experience Cloud Business Practitioner certification requires 1-3 years of experience, has a passing score of 31/50, lasts 120 minutes, and is available in English. It can be taken online or at a test center and costs $225 globally or $150 in India. The exam ID is AD0-E208.
Exam objectives and scope
Section 1: Understanding Analytics in the Adobe Experience Cloud Ecosystem (10%)
Section 2: Reporting and dashboarding for projects (30%)
Section 3: Segmentation and calculated metrics (22%)
Section 4: General tool knowledge and troubleshooting (12%)
Section 5: Administration (10%)

Unlock Success in the AD0-E208 Exam with ExamGood:

Experience instant readiness with ExamGood's instant access feature, ensuring you start your preparation the moment you're ready. Flexibility is at your fingertips as you choose between PDF or software formats for your study materials, allowing you to customize your learning experience according to your preferences.
Stay at the forefront of evolving industry trends with ExamGood's commitment to keeping your study materials updated for an entire year. This ensures that you're armed with the latest knowledge and insights, ready to excel in the AD0-E208 exam.
Our confidence in your success is highlighted by our refund policy in case of an unsuccessful attempt. We believe in the quality and effectiveness of our resources, offering you financial peace of mind as you strive to achieve your certification goals.
In your journey towards conquering the AD0-E208 exam, ExamGood stands as your dedicated partner, providing the tools, flexibility, and assurance you need to succeed.
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