
Adobe Adobe Experience Manager AD0-E123

Product Description

Exam Code:AD0-E123

Exam Name:Adobe Experience Manager Sites Developer Professional

Q&A:55 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood AD0-E123 certification training exam material including the examination question and the answer, complete by our senior IT lecturers and the Adobe Experience Manager product experts, included the current newest AD0-E123 examination questions.

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ExamGood AD0-E123 Exam Features
AD0-E123: Adobe Experience Manager Sites Developer Professional 
This page provides information on how to attain this certification. It includes a description of the exam, study materials, step-by-step instructions on the certification process, and how to renew your certification.

Exam description

Learn who should take this exam, what experience is recommended, and what subjects are covered on the exam.

Exam details

Level: Professional (0-12 months’ experience)
Passing Score: 31/50
Time: 100 mins
Delivery: Online proctored (requires camera access)
Available languages: English
Cost: $125 (global) / $95 (India)
Exam ID: AD0-E123

Intended audience

AEM Developers
Front End Developers
Software Engineers

Minimum experience

You should be an application developer and have:
0-12 months of experience working with the AEM Platform
The ability to perform component development
A basic understanding of the MVC framework, life cycle frameworks and libraries in AEM

Exam objectives and scope

This section provides information on the exam content.
Section 1: Configurations (26%)
Recognize the purpose of AEM dispatcher configurations and caching
Determine the correct steps to configure multi-site in AEM
Explain how to create and manage OSGi configurations
Determine the correct steps to to manage custom OAK indices
Determine the correct steps to configure OOTB SAML or IMS integration
Section 2: AEM development (40%)
Determine the correct steps to implement core-based components
Connect component functionality including the HTL, models, and services
Given a scenario, determine the correct steps to develop workflows
Given a scenario, outline the purpose of content fragments or experience fragments
Section 3: Build and deployment (12%)
Define Maven project structure
Configure projects from archetypes
Section 4: Environment maintenance (22%)
Given a scenario, determine the steps required to debug issues in AEM environments
Explain AEM maintenance releases
Identify how to configure AEM across topologies
Determine the steps required around planning and migrating to AEM as a Cloud Service

How to get certified

These steps take you through the certification process from beginning to end.
Step 1: Create your account
Step 2: Prepare for your exam
Step 3: Schedule & pay for exam
Step 4: Before and after the exam
Step 5: Take the exam
Step 6: Manage your badges

Easily get your certification

The Advantages of ExamGood AD0-E123: Adobe Experience Manager Sites Developer Professional Exam Questions
Immediate Download After Purchase
One of the primary advantages of the ExamGood AD0-E123: Adobe Experience Manager Sites Developer Professional Exam Questions is that they are available for instant download as soon as the purchase is successful. There's no need to wait or delay your preparation. This feature enables you to study your certification exam immediately, maximizing your time and efficiency.
Availability in PDF and ice Software Versions
The ExamGood AD0-E123: Adobe Experience Manager Sites Developer Professional Exam Questions are available in both PDF and software versions. The PDF version can be printed directly, providing a traditional learning method. On the other hand, the ice software version can be used on any device without restrictions. This flexibility allows you to adjust your learning methods according to your convenience.
One-Year Free Update
Upon purchasing the ExamGood AD0-E123: Adobe Experience Manager Sites Developer Professional Exam Questions, you also get a one-year free update. This means that you will receive any updates or changes to the exam questions for a full year, ensuring that you have the latest material. If you pay an additional 10 dollars, you can extend this update period to two years. This feature ensures that you're always equipped with the latest AD0-E123 study material.
Refund Guarantee for Failed Exams
If you unfortunately fail the AD0-E123: Adobe Experience Manager Sites Developer Professional exam, simply send in your score sheet and you can get an immediate refund. This feature affirms ExamGood's confidence in their material and provides an added safety for users.
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