
Atlassian Jira Project Administrator ACP-610

Product Description

Exam Code:ACP-610

Exam Name:Managing Jira Projects for Data Center and Server

Q&A:75 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Achieve ACP-610 certification for managing Jira projects in Data Center and Server environments with ExamGood. Comprehensive resources for success.

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ACP-610: Managing Jira Projects for Data Center and Server Certification

Become an Atlassian Certified Professional in Managing Jira Projects for Data Center and Server
The ACP-610 certification from Atlassian is for Project Administrators who are skilled in configuring and optimizing Jira Software's Scrum and Kanban projects for their teams. This certification is applicable to users of both Server and Data Center implementations of Jira.
Project Administrators with this certification:
apply best practices to translate team requirements into robust project configurations
understand and troubleshoot project and global permissions and issue-level security
manage sprints and releases, estimation, time tracking, and scope changes
are proficient at configuring boards across multiple projects and teams
know the intricacies of components and issue assignment
demonstrate expertise in JQL, reports, dashboards and gadgets

Exam details

NOTE: If you currently hold a retiring ACP-JSW or ACP-JPA certification, you can earn this ACP-610 certification by taking a Skillbuilder course and passing the quiz (USD $35).
This document provides information about the ACP-610 Managing Jira Projects for Data Center and Server Certification by Atlassian. It covers Jira Software Long Term Support Releases, has a 90-day completion timeframe, and can be taken online or at testing centers.

How to prepare

ACP exams are intended to be challenging. Increase your chances of success with careful preparation.
Be sure to complete the Managing Jira Projects Data Center & Server course or have equivalent experience.
For additional preparation, complete these free Atlassian University courses:
Managing Agile Boards and Reports
Managing Permissions in Jira
Gain Project Insights through JQL
Basic Reporting in Jira
Issue Security in Jira
Managing Permissions in Jira Data Center
Review these additional resources
Managing Jira Projects for Data Center Sample Questions
Atlassian product documentation
Focus your exam preparation
Get hands-on practice across all the topics, paying particular attention to functionalities you work with less often.
Make sure you understand how Jira operates with no apps installed.
Consult the Atlassian product documentation to learn about nuances of each topic that you may be unfamiliar with.
Use the English version to prepare for the exam (If you typically use a localized product), so that you'll be familiar with the names of menu options and other product features.
Know which test aids are permitted during the exam:
Hard copy of English or English Translation Dictionary (allowed both online or at testing centers)
Pencil/Pen and Paper (allowed at testing centers only and must be supplied by the testing center)
Water in a clear container

Maintain your certifications

Your certification is valid for two years (24 months). There are different ways to maintain your certification before it expires.
ExamGood offers the ACP-610: Managing Jira Projects for Data Center and Server Certification exam questions. Upon successful purchase, you will be able to download the material immediately. The material is available in both PDF and software versions. Additionally, you will receive free updates for one year.
At ExamGood, we understand the importance of your success. If you happen to fail the exam, we offer an immediate refund. We strive to provide high-quality study material and support to help you achieve your certification goals.
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Customer Feedback

ACP-610 Exam Passed!

I got like three questions which are not in Jira Project Administrator ACP-610 exam question dump. will look up for them and will post. best of luck to those who are still going to write and a big thank you to the team for putting together the exam material.

ACP-610 Exam Achieved!

ExamGood was a game-changer for me. Their resources boosted my confidence and significantly improved my Jira Project Administrator ACP-610 exam performance.
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