Appian Senior Developer ACD200
Product Description
Exam Code:ACD200
Exam Name:Appian Certified Senior Developer
Q&A:76 Q&As
Updated: 01-29-2025
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With ExamGood, you're not just acquiring study materials; you're making an investment in your success in the Appian Senior Developer ACD200 exam and your journey toward becoming a proficient Appian Senior Developer. We are dedicated to supporting your certification and career advancement.
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Appian Senior Developer ACD200 Exam
Exam Information
The Appian Senior Developer exam requires the Associate Developer Certification as a prerequisite. It consists of 40 items and has a duration of 60 minutes. The exam fee is $200, and the passing score is 65%.
Exam Overview
This exam assesses your ability to deliver scalable and high-performing Appian applications. It outlines the expectations of a Senior Developer and provides resources for exam preparation.
Candidate Description
Appian Certified Senior Developers have 6-12 months of focused project delivery experience and can independently convert complex requirements into functioning applications. They have a comprehensive understanding of Appian's platform architecture, can design and implement scalable applications, and utilize core components and design patterns. They also configure and administer the Appian platform, provide technical guidance, and collaborate with client teams throughout the project lifecycle.
Exam Objectives
Candidates should use the objectives as a checklist to identify knowledge gaps and focus their preparation on areas where gaps are found, based on the relative weight of each section.
Platform Maintenance (15%)
Troubleshoot applications using logs, performance dashboards, and administration console. Perform technical review of application work and configure the administration console.
Relational Databases (15%)
Implement complex data models, maintain supporting objects, and design data models that meet business data requirements while ensuring proper documentation.
Application Design and Management (35%)
Implement development best practices, deploy application artifacts, read and transform relational data, construct end-to-end applications, convert business requirements into user stories, and follow user experience best practices in Appian.
Advanced Object Usage (10%)
Create and configure connected system objects and identify use cases and hazards of using a plug-in.
Performance & Scalability (25%)
Design performant Appian components, implement data management strategies for performance, communicate user-facing concerns, identify performance risks with server memory, and conduct database load testing with automated tools for recommendations.
Preparation Resources
ExamGood offers Appian Senior Developer ACD200 Exam Questions with the following features:
Instant Download: Upon a successful purchase, you can immediately download your study materials. This means you can start your preparation without any delays, making the most of your valuable study time.
PDF and Software Versions: We provide both PDF and software versions of the study materials to cater to different learning preferences. Whether you prefer traditional reading or interactive learning, we've got you covered.
One-Year Free Updates: Technology and best practices evolve, and so should your study materials. We offer one year of free updates to ensure your resources remain current with the latest Appian Senior Developer requirements.
Full payment refund: We believe in the quality of our study materials. In the unlikely event that you don't pass your Appian Senior Developer ACD200 exam after using our resources, we offer an immediate refund, guaranteeing a risk-free investment in your career.
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