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Avaya ACSS 71801X

Product Description

Exam Code:71801X

Exam Name:Avaya Messaging Support Certified Exam

Q&A:108 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood Avaya 71801X preparation material provides you everything you will need to take your 71801X certification exam. Download the latest Avaya Messaging Support Certified Exam 71801X certification exam from

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ExamGood 71801X Exam Features
71801X: Avaya Messaging Support Certified Exam

Exam Details

Avaya Messaging Support Certified Exam (71801X) is a requirement to earn the Avaya Messaging Support (ACSS - 7180) credential.
This exam has 61 questions, and the minimum passing score is 67% (41 of 61 correct). The candidate has 90 minutes to complete this exam. Avaya Exams are delivered by Pearson VUE. Exam takers can schedule the exam either via OnVUE (Online Proctored Testing Service) or at a local Testing Center. Certification Exam-1.50 hrs.

Exam Topics

Introduction and Key Features      
Describe an Avaya Messaging solution.
List the key features of Avaya Messaging release 11.
Describe the Avaya Messaging architecture.
Describe Avaya Messaging High Availability.
List the Avaya Messaging licensing, capacities, and deployment options.
Identify hardware, software and network specifications.
Describe the steps for an Avaya Messaging solution and Installation.
List the steps of a WebLM License Manager installation, and the Avaya Messaging Server prerequisites.
List the steps for a PBX Integration.
Identify environmental, network, and feature requirements for Avaya Messaging.
Identify language options, and Web Portal capabilities.
Describe the Unified Messaging options available.
Identify troubleshooting and maintenance issues of Avaya Messaging.

The Benefits of ExamGood Avaya ACSS 71801X Exam Questions

Instant Access After Purchase: ExamGood provides immediate access to 71801X: Avaya Messaging Support Certified exam questions once you make a purchase. No waiting necessary. After a successful purchase, download the exam questions directly from your member area. Just check "my orders," and you can start preparing without delay.
Availability of PDF and Software Versions: ExamGood 71801X: Avaya Messaging Support Certified Exam questions are available in both PDF and software formats, offering flexibility to users. The PDF version can be printed for those who prefer hard copies. Meanwhile, the software version can be used on any device, providing a convenient and flexible study experience.
Free Updates for a Year: ExamGood 71801X: Avaya Messaging Support Certified Exam Questions provides one year of free updates. This means that if the exam materials change or are updated, you'll receive these updates at no extra cost for a full year after your purchase. Additionally, for an extra $10, you can extend these updates to two years, ensuring that you always have the most up-to-date and relevant Avaya ACSS 71801X exam materials.
Full Refund Upon Failure: ExamGood offers a full refund policy for users who do not pass 71801X: Avaya Messaging Support Certified Exam, requiring only a sent score report for immediate refund, reflecting the company's confidence in its materials.
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