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Avaya ACIS 71301X

Product Description

Exam Code:71301X

Exam Name:Avaya Aura Communication Applications Implement Certified Exam

Q&A:70 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood 71301X certification training exam material including the examination question and the answer, complete by our senior IT lecturers and the ACIS product experts, included the current newest 71301X examination questions.

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ExamGood 71301X Exam Features
The Avaya Aura® Communications Applications Implement Certified Exam (71301X) is required to earn the Avaya Aura® Communications Applications Implement (ACIS-7130) credential.
This exam has 68 questions, and the minimum passing score is 68% (46 of 68 correct). The candidate has 90 minutes to complete this exam. Certification Exam-1.5 Hrs.

Exam Topics

Avaya Presence Services Snap-in on Breeze® Platform      
Describe the purpose and key features of Avaya Breeze® and Avaya Presence Services.
Identify Avaya Presence Services on Breeze® deployment and configuration steps.
Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise (ASBCE)       
Describe the purpose and key features of ASBCE.
Describe ASBCE deployment.
Describe WebLM server and Dynamic Licensing.
List the principles of trust and identity certificates.
Demonstrate routing to single/multiple SIP proxy servers.
Describe VPN-less connectivity for remote workers.
Call Park and Page                
Describe the features and key components of Avaya Call Park and Page.
Identify the Avaya Call Park and Page deployment and configuration steps.
Avaya Aura® Web Gateway with Spaces Calling         
Describe the features and key components of Avaya Aura® Web Gateway with Spaces Calling.
Identify the Avaya Aura® Web Gateway with Spaces Calling deployment and the configuration steps.
Application Enablement Services (AES)           
Describe the purpose and key features of Application Enablement Services (AES).
Avaya Aura Branch Survivability                
Describe the features and key components of Avaya Aura® Branch Survivability.
Identify the Avaya Aura® Branch Survivability deployment and configuration steps.
Internet Friendly Gateway               
For Internet Friendly Gateway, describe the features and key components, and the deployment and configuration steps.

Scheduling a Pearson VUE Exam

Avaya Exams are delivered by Pearson VUE. Exam takers can schedule the exam either via OnVUE (Online Proctored Testing Service) or at a local Testing Center.
Note: Pearson VUE encourages candidates to book live testing sessions at a local Test Center well in advance (2+ months) to help ensure individual requirements can be met. Candidate demand often fluctuates. Pearson VUE Authorized Test Centers represent a network of Pearson VUE independent business partners primarily in the commercial and academic market spaces. Availability of testing centers varies by city/state/geographic region based upon business partner participation in the Pearson VUE testing program.

Benefits of ExamGood Avaya ACIS 71301X Exam Questions

Instant Download After Successful Purchase: Customers can download 71301X: Avaya Aura® Communications Applications Implement Certified Exam exam questions immediately after a successful purchase without any waiting time. This ensures convenience and quick access to study materials.
Available in PDF and Software Versions: ExamGood provides both PDF and software versions of 71301X: Avaya Aura® Communications Applications Implement Certified Exam exam questions. The PDF version allows users to print the questions directly for offline study, while the software version enables users to access the questions on any device without limitations.
One Year of Free Updates: Customers receive one year of free updates for 71301X: Avaya Aura® Communications Applications Implement Certified Exam exam questions. Additionally, for an additional $10 fee, users can extend the update period to two years. This ensures that the study materials remain relevant and up-to-date Avaya ACIS 71301X study materials.
Immediate Refund Upon Exam Failure: In the unfortunate event of failing the exam, ExamGood offers a guarantee to provide a refund upon submission of the exam score report. This offer reflects ExamGood's confidence in 71301X: Avaya Aura® Communications Applications Implement Certified Exam exam questions.

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