
Cisco CCNP Security 300-720

Product Description

Exam Code:300-720

Exam Name:Securing Email with Cisco Email Security Appliance (SESA)

Q&A:147 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Prepare for excellence in the 300-720 SESA Exam for Cisco Secure Email Gateway v1.1 with ExamGood's expertly designed study materials. Elevate your email security expertise and advance your IT security career.

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ExamGood 300-720 Exam Features
The course "300-720 SESA" is about securing email with Cisco Email Security Appliance. It has a duration of 90 minutes and is available in English. The price is $300 USD.

Exam Description: 

Securing Email with Cisco Secure Email Gateway v1.1 (SESA 300-720) is a 90-minute exam associated with the CCNP Security Certification. This exam certifies a candidate's knowledge of
Cisco Secure Email Gateway (formerly Cisco Email Security Appliance), including administration, spam control and antispam, message filters, data loss prevention, LDAP, email authentication and encryption, and system quarantines and delivery methods.
The following topics are general guidelines for the content likely to be included on the exam. However, other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery of the exam. To better reflect the contents of the exam and for clarity purposes, the guidelines below may change at any time without notice.

Topics Covered:

15% 1.0 Administration
15% 2.0 Spam Control with Talos SenderBase and Antispam
20% 3.0 Content and Message Filters
15% 4.0 LDAP and SMTP Sessions
20% 5.0 Email Authentication and Encryption
15% 6.0 System Quarantines and Delivery Methods


While there are no formal prerequisites to take the 300-720 SESA exam, it is recommended that candidates have experience with Cisco Secure Email Gateway solutions and relevant training or study materials to prepare effectively.

Certification Guide:

Preparing for the Cisco Secure Email Gateway v1.1 (300-720) exam requires thorough study and practice. ExamGood is a trusted platform that offers a wide range of resources to help individuals in their exam preparation journey. Upon successfully purchasing the exam materials, users can immediately download PDF files and software versions for convenient offline study. Additionally, ExamGood provides one year of free updates, ensuring that individuals have access to the most up-to-date study materials.
With ExamGood, you can confidently approach the Cisco Secure Email Gateway v1.1 (300-720) exam. The comprehensive study materials available on the platform cover all the exam topics, including email security fundamentals, Cisco Email Security Architecture, message filters, and more. These resources are designed to help you understand the concepts, practice with real exam questions, and assess your readiness for the certification exam.
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Thanks to ExamGood, I have reached the summit of success. Their CCNP Security 300-720 materials were like the compass that kept me heading in the right direction, and I'm deeply grateful for their invaluable support.

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Thanks to ExamGood, I'm now 300-720 certified and ready to take on new career challenges.
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